Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Just another week...

A while since my last posting, it was a busy week… business proposal for some companies… rumors of replacement for my department and playing host to my visiting brother…


Nanjing, ChinaShahrul Azmi's Nanjing, China photoset


Everyone in the office knows about my obsessions towards football and especially my local team… Perak… this weekend we’ll be playing in the FA Cup final against Jawa team- Selangor…unfortunately I wont be there coz I’ll be going to Juaseh for a Kenduri, it’s an important occasion for my wife…got to give full support for the love one..

Deena’s party was a success (thanks to jaja)… thank you to all the supportive parents and friends… Nassis, Mat Su, Shah, Airol and many more… Thank you, hopefully u guys enjoy the food … did u try the lepat labu?

Congratulation to Angah, my nephew who recently proclaimed the title Doktor Gigi from UKM, hopefully u can do some repairs to this uncle… at least my smiles will not be that bad…

Lately my close friends are so into studio jamming (a bit too old I guess), they invited me to play some instrument but they came to a conclusion that music is not my kind of thing. Earlier they came up with that remarks during karaoke session – Chairman, Tempo Chairman Tempo…. Imagine if the lyrics sorting is not there in the Karaoke video, I would not know when to start…arggh!! Better stick to musabaqah.

Lastly, I wanna share this photo of my father and mother and their newspaper stall. To my son and daughter, this is Atok & Opah sacrifization…

Image Hosted by UploadEngine.com Kedai Pak Usop

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Thursday, September 08, 2005

Birthday Party!!!

About 4 month after the birth of my first son Danial, my wife was pregnant once again (and it is not wise to do so after a caesarian birth of the first)…on the 3rd month of pregnancy, Jaja(my wife) had a very bad bleeding that scares me to death…

After 9 month of easier said than done pregnancy, she gave birth to Qasdeena, our pretty angel that completed the happy family – like you always watch in the ad…

As I said before, time flies tremendously fast, she’s one and my wife is so busy preparing a birthday party for the little angel…a small one for the family and friends… any of you reading, come over please…

I remember when I was small, birthday party is not a trend… back then there was no celebration…the day past without anyone noticing…but yet I’m not sad or unhappy with it, coz the culture was not known to the old folks…

How lucky are kids these days! Daddy and mommy will always eager to celebrate… big party (with clown and jumping castle) for the rich or just a small ‘makan2’ for the normal people…

Really hope most of my family & friend can make it… not much of a party, just a small gathering for the parents and play-time for the kids…

One of the special menus will be ‘lepat-labu’, my mom specialty-waiting to be inherited by my wife…yummy…that’s how you describe the sensation…

Hopefully one day Qasdeena and Danial realize how much we luv them, we don’t expect them to be good at everything, be a good Muslim …

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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I wonder how?

I just don't know how he did it? This December my dad will be 85, till this day he woke up early in the morning and continue with 3 laps marathon around the football field in front my sister's house...


When I was small my dad policy on his diet is simple, no outside food except for satay(only if someone in the family came up with flying colours report card)...

Can I be like him? I don't think so... waking up every morning is a big struggle... Subuh prayer depending on my mood... no exercise except walking to the car... food intake...tremendously unhealthy...macamana tu?

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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

An open letter to Monday

Dear Monday ,

Why do I feel so bored going to work on your day? Is it the same for every single working people? Is it gonna be like this for the whole life? I know you can’t answer all these stupid questions but please…please cheer me up coz I’m so the bosan…

It was a busy weekend for me, wedding on Saturday…a tiring football fiesta under the extra-shining sun on Sunday and a long walk around the pasar malam with heavy bags on my left and DannyBoy on the right...as if all those were not enough, the ever reliable air-cond in our room declared a mogok on the same night…why? why?

I really hope for a better tomorrow, maybe more money will come flying to me so that I can have weekend get-away next week… or my boss suddenly come to me with a promotion letter… or someone call me up for a free lunch… maybe just maybe…

hmm..but hold on..today is TUESDAY!!! Oh gosh sorry I blame you Monday coz actually I had a fun day on your day..MC from the Klinik!!!!!!


Shahrul Azmi

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Friday, September 02, 2005

TGIF once again...

Time flies really fast when I'm having fun and ever so slowly when I'm so miserable. The faster times flies, the nearer we are to our graves.... graves??? pretending that I'm not listening when people talk about 'mati' is my short term solution to my ever fluctuating graph of Iman...

I know that I'm gonna need to change... my two kids are growing up and i need to be the good example... why is it so hard for me to take the five minutes walk, 3 minutes drive or 2 minutes ride to the TTDI mosque... Lalai dengan keduniaan kot... I'll try...

Tomorrow we'll be having some fun at Sunway Lagoon resort(thanks to my generous in-laws) and on Sunday I'll be playing football in a competitive manner, its the Sirim Inter Department tournament... be there if you wanna see some ugly action...

Ayah still 'hutang' Danial a bicycle for his birthday... and I still don't know what to get for Qasdeena... whatever it is they are my 'buah-hati'..including the mother.

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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Another Merdeka Day Celebration

Just another normal day at the office ...surfing the Internet looking for an entertaining stuff to read... not much… anyway try this blog anson warrior

Spend the Merdeka day watching TV... as usual the Merdeka parade!! It's amazing seeing how the government spends millions just for the 3 hours parade and among the thing that I hate are the two commentators that really suck!! Or should I say suckers!! Sorry, the emotional shahrul talking.

Opss! It was my wedding anniversary yesterday; no big celebration just hugs and kisses to my wife... This is the 3rd year and hopefully it'll last forever and ever... thanks to my wife for taking care of me which is not much different from the two kids... so the very loveulah shayang ...

Nassis and Mas, thanks for the wishes and guess what? You guys send the SMS before we did to each other...

To any of my friend reading this blog, this month is not the suitable time for any un-free activities ... my pocket is a bit 'kempis' due to the recent visit to Kelantan...

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