Thursday, September 25, 2008

What I can do with 10 cent

‘This piece is dedicated to the ‘banglas’, Jazzuir who clean my windshield every time I fill up my tank at Petronas. I would like to say sorry on behalf of all Malaysians who ignore your existence at the pump’

Here I am sitting on the toilet bowl wondering what I can do with 10 cent. While writing with my right hand and the opposite busy holding a burning cigarette, a pack of 20’s will cost me RM9, on average every single stick would be 45 cent. . So I’m going to get one ciggy for every 4.5 liters of petrol to my Iswara. To buy a pack of 20 I’m gonna need to fill up 100 liters, about 2 ½ full. Tell me, is that not a bargain?

Yeah… yeah… it's not worth the comparison…but petrol and cigarette does have something in common, one brings you distance and another bring you closer to a place six feet under.

With 10 cent you can buy a couple of that interesting little candy, hacks. After saving RM4 for every tank full, I can buy 80 of that candy. Is that not worth it?

I don’t know any other toilet that the entrance fee is 10 cent apart from the one in Teluk Intan bus station. No fancy porcelains, just the squatting miracle. Thanks to the 10 cent reduction I can be there much often then I should. Is that not worth it?

On average I consume 60 litres of petrol in a week, if I bank in RM6 a week, it would be RM24 in month, RM 288 a year, Roughly I’m gonna need 1000 years of savings from petrol to be able to buy that Mercedes, the one those exco’s are driving. Need not to worry about maintenance; they said its maintenance free. Is it not worth it?

The calculation is very complicated, economist from Oxbridge are working hard. Although the price of oil is coming down, the weakening of ringgit made it impossible for the price to go any lower.

This is a very stupid question…

If we buy oil from petronas in USD, and they are selling it outside in USD, wouldn’t that balance it all out somehow? The lousy University of Manchester added no value to my brain.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sajak Buat Danial

Dahan Rapuh
Dahan itu sudah rapuh
Bukan tempat untuk berteduh
Tidak kuat untuk kau berpaut
Tanah di bawahnya subur
Sebelum jarak dan terkukur
Bahana kerakusan petani benak dan tamak
Orang seberang bijak
Pokok mereka rendang
Dahan mereka teguh
Gosoklah mereka, julanglah mereka
Untung-untung di situ kau berpaut, bila dahan itu reput.
shahrul azmi 2008

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Prime Time News, I am not that stupid!

Perhaps the continuation of future talks can be done later due to current circumstances; a TV station is continuously insulting my intelligence.

Witnessing poverty, corruption and all other oppression does not seem to be the priority for prime time news. Ironically the news would rather display the oppressions of irrelevant 0020others, in this case the story Tanzania and its prostitutes, not once but twice.

The significant news lasted for 15 to 20 minutes, at par to the commercial adv airing time. 80% of the news will be the meticulously edited press statements from the premier, the number two and interviews, obviously all positives. GDP going up, bla…bla… but still the nation cries.

At the time you opt to stay and wait for more, the PETRONAS ad will be next followed by some Tanzania special report, as if the news about TIKO prostitutes is so important to general public (dey!! look at your own backyard). Subsequently, will be another set of capitalist advertisements followed by the world news at a glimpse and finally the sports.

Is that all? A regime is about to fall on your own soil, is that all you can come out with?

Never did I learn about journalism but I sure can tell what is happening is not right, where is the news from the alternative voice, ethics, what ethics?

Let me remind you guys about this fact, the largest stakeholder in this TV Company is EPF, no mystery where does the EPF money came from. You, me and millions other Malaysians (+ some indons, and banglas) are part of the company.

So this is what happening, they took your money and enjoy with it, on top of that they insulted your intelligence with such rubbish. What will I do tonight? Sit on the couch and digest more lies starting at 8.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Future talks

Long time since my last posting, too many things to do and so many stuffs to read, but today I've got to write something… to hell with grammar, I don’t have time to check every bit… what is important, people understand my point…. Yes I am angry.

Imagine a conversation 20 years from now, a daddy and his son (or make it Danial and ayah), my hero by then will be 25.

Year 2028
Location : Kedai Makan sekitar Teluk Intan

Danial : Ayah, what was UMNO all about? I don’t see them anymore, just in my history book.
Ayah: UMNO is a Malay party established in 1946; they were ruling Malaysia for more than 50 years until the populace woke up and fight for their rights in 2008. Back then the hero was Anwar Ibrahim from the opposition, although he was no angel and pretty much associated with the devil before, he’s the best politician available at that time.

Danial : Is it the same Anwar that was toppled in 2017?
Ayah : Yeah, yeah… He was a clean man, until power and money destroy every bit of kindness in his heart.

Danial : Anyway, you said something about Malay just now, why was is it so important to have a party to be base on race? Isn’t that racist?
Ayah : Hmm…. My son, back then it was different, the colonial ruled before independent with simple method, divide and rule. After the independent the old leaders took the easy way out and continue with the same policy. Only this time they call themselves the National Front(BN). They made and agreement, the Malay becomes priority, the Chinese continue with their business while the Indians pretty much carry on with their old things. It works well for 45 years, but the racial tension was just too much. It was still ok during Mahathir tenure but under Pak Lah it was entirely lost during transition.

Danial : How did it all went wrong Ayah?
Ayah : Well, Mahathir was controlling the populace under a system that pretty much resemblance to communist where the premier is something like a king. Everyone listen to him, and therefore there is no real resistance to whatever planning he had for the country. In the 90’s Mahathir did a very good job catapulting our economy to become one of the dragons of Asia, but it was all too fast, the general public were not ready. They worked in semiconductors factories but don’t really understand the science behind it. Subconsciously, they were machines, the same like what they were working with. Knowledge was not acquired fast enough for Malaysian to build factory so by the time China and Vietnam emerged everything was too late. Malaysia was no longer the heaven for cheap labour hunting imperialist.
When Pak Lah came to power, he inherited big projects with not much funding available. To make matter worse his son in-law was too greedy, sucking the blood out of whatever left. The economy was bad both internally and globally. By the time he went to the general election in 2008, the cumulated un-resolved issues were beyond repair.

The conversation continue tomorrow…..

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