Buying Happiness

- this piece is dedicated to kye who is always happy.......
What is happiness? It is all about showing the feeling of pleasure or contentment, according to the oxford thinker who came out with the book they call dictionary. Do you buy happiness? How much? What’s the price? Some said it’s free but others would spend some amount of money to be happy.
We go to work every day for one thing in common, money. Why do we need money then? To buy food, pay bills, shelters, educations and thousands other reasons. Do you feel happy having bigger house? Do you feel the pleasure of getting new car? Are you guys happy with the widest plasma screen tv, the most expensive piece of watch, the nicest garden with pools and gazebo, the expensive dinner at one of the restaurant that you pay RM17.90 for a glass of coke, do you?
Wiseman once said, money can’t buy happiness but the same wise man would charge you RM200 for a session of ‘Seminar Wang Bukan Segalanya - kebahagiaan menurut agama’. Ask Datuk Dr FK how much he makes every time he preaches about our happiness.
The world is so fucked up that happiness is gauge by ringgit and sen. Media will set the standards and working class people will do all they can to be part of the higher society. One can climb the hierarchy but never can he reach the peak, coz there is no climax to happiness, you’re just walking on the surface ofthe globe.
Today I’m not happy with the RM5.80 coffee at this kopitiam and for once money can’t buy me happiness or could it be that the amount of money I have is not enough for me to be happy.

hey abg rajak, i think i owe u a drink. i cant buy u happiness as a whole but i can buy u rm14.80 fancy starbux drink dat cud contribute a pinch of happiness in ur day :D
What is enough? ...Nothing will be enough as long as we are called human!! Stop and think before you walk into a shop that serves a RM14++ cuppa! Think! that cuppa can feed a whole family with rice and vege somewhere in Sabak Bernam or maybe even Langkap.
We always compare ourselves to those above us, what car they drive?, What shopping mall they go to? BUT once you look down will always find ways to use the RM you spent on that cuppa for something worthwhile for others. Find time to care and always do something good for someone each day (even as buying a cup of cold soya milk by the road side)and will find happiness in your heart....BACK TO BASIC brother...Religion!
datang rumah aku.. lepas hayun kat driving range kita pekena kopi home prepared kat rumah aku.. FOC.. gerenti senyuman akan menjelma.. amacam abang chemen?
Salaam Shahrul,
Ingatan bersama...
Treat everyone as special.....
Treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight.
Extend to them all the care, kindness & understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of reward ..... insya-Allah your life will never be the same again.
In the search for me, I discovered truth.
In the search for truth, I discovered love,
In the search for love, I discovered God, Allah.
And in God, I have found everything.
dari Shamsul Alias & Anizah, Dukhan
you got most of the points right! i have those feelings right now where i finally realized that what's the most important thing is: how are we gonna live our lives, regardless how much money u make per year.
p/s: i like reading your writings. write some more. =)
Hello bro. Bila nak bukak pose skali? cerita lu pasal mintak sedekah tu ada betul jugak. Tapi cerita pasal happiness tu best la. macam pekena aku je.
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