An open letter to Donpedro
Dear Donpedro,
First of all I would to thank you for the coffee this evening, it was a strong one; making my eyes wide open and with that my humble fingers are pretty much active to do the typing. Thanking you for the coffee is much easier than finding the right words of appreciation for the awakening comments you bowled straight to my pin head.
Browsing through my book shelf I finally realized the painful truth, the truth about the knowledge that I’ve been digging all this while, none of the books written by those who really understand the real guidance for mankind, the holy Quran. Grisham, Hitler, Robinson and worst of them all was a book by Shebby Singh (he’s a bad writer even for a ghost).
The discussion we had today and few days earlier pretty much the catalyst for my new resolution on knowledge acquisition, it is the perfect time for me to embark into a new journey although it was always there for the taking; spiritual. Guess what brother? Nowadays, the guidance for mankind is always there on top of my alarm clock, just beside my bed.
Justice is the greatest puzzle that I struggled to understand let alone solving them, it stuck in my small brain and bugging me it did. Why must the rich enjoy every moment of their life when the poor struggle to feed them? A question, of which to me the answer is very important but to you Donpedro, it is no longer relevant. Looking at idealism doesn’t make you a man with less Iman, but ignoring the quran while doing so will lead you to disastrous end, that I learned from you.
Do you think we can change the system? Do you think we can have better hospitals? Do you think the corruption in politics will end? Do you think Malays will look at Mercedes as the element of ‘besi dan tayar’? Do you think K with the big J can be stop? What else are you thinking, brother?
These entire questions are the beginning of my humble expedition into the new knowledge that you’ve established in my blog. One thing for sure I would not eat every bit of your ideas and experienced coz this time the one who conclude will be Shahrul Azmi himself. To that I would like to thank you and this will be one of the many open letters from me to you.
Shahrul Azmi
12:15 AM (2.12.10)
Labels: humble letter

Darul salam,Negara Sejahtera. Peaceful Territories.
Assallam, sejahtera. Ini adalah ucapan umat Muhammad sesama mereka. Ucapan yang membawa maksud yang sangat ringkas dapat merumuskan semua keadaan yang diingini oleh setiap manusia pada setiap keaadaan dan masa.
“Bourgeois class domination is undoubtedly an historical necessity, but, so too, the rising of the working class against it. Capital is an historical necessity, but, so too, its grave digger, the socialist proletariat.”Rosa Luxemburg PEACE is all idealism bases for the best human conditionings. Think about it why muslims are having peace with strangers everyday? When did we have a war among us? What sort of peace are we talking? Peace and pacifist does not mean the same thing. Pacifist can be a cowardly negative connotation depending on the situation. But peace...well... it is accepted as, Positive Karma passing through boundary of race, religion and class in society. It is the key of happiness for all mankind. It sometime became unknown, to us. Sometimes we forget it, Sometimes it not only apply to the state but also the citizen, Sometimes we miss it (like me), sometime we crave it but most of the time we never take peace seriously. Well would not you do the same? Imagine some voice you can’t see, listen to the muslims greeting translated into English, what would you imagine? Well it sound like a hippie with a good score.
Define peace taken from Wikipedia: “Peace describes a society or a relationship that is operating harmoniously and without violent conflict. Peace is commonly understood as the absence of hostility.” Well you told me “is state of mind where the heart vibrates at frequencies lower than the sleeping pulse”. At sleep we have peace, aren’t we all? In 24 hours of the day we fight, struggle, cheat, eat, work, hustling, pimping, fornicating, walking, calculating, achieving, scamming we leave a few hours of the day with peace (sleeping). That is why one of the remedy for anxiety (worry about something or exited about something) is to sleep. If we only notice what our body is saying. Naturally, after all in a day, action, we are looking forward for that few or many hour of peace.
Manusia memberi Harapan kepada sejahtera, tenang dan gembira. MANUSIA JUGA GENTAR DENGAN KEBUNTUAN, KONFLIK DAN PEPERANGAN DALAM MINDA DAN REALITI.Tidak kira alpha atau omega struktur social seseorang individu, mereka berkehendakkan sejahtera. Tidak kira Kaya atau Miskin seseorang individu mereka berkehendakkan sejahtera. Tidak kira lemah atau berkuasa seseorang individu mereka berkehendakkan sejahtera. WITHOUT PEACE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OBTAIN BOTH THE ALPHA AND OMEGA. Before we talk about the society we should ask ourselves am I at peace? Every cell consists of nuclei, and we are that individually in a society. Then we ask, is the citizen at peace? In substance or just on the surface? Peace applies to the physical body and also to the soul. It applies to the good and evil of a character. We are all in search, they are many great mysteries in us and the universe unknown and uncharted, for whatever and wherever we are heading, we do it because we want to feel that moment of natural high of peacefulness, EVEN IT LAST ONLY A FEW SECOND. KETENAGAN ADALAH SATU PERASAAN YANG TIDAK BOLEH DIGAMBARKAN DEK AKAL,TETAPI KITA RASA AKAN KEHADIRANNYA, APABILA KITA BERSAMA AS SALAM INI TIADA APA YANG BISA GENTARKAN JIWAKU BIARPUN MAUT MENGETUK PINTUKU. Well we don’t say something like this “May you become rich” or “hail Hitler” or “ For the Fatherland/Motherland”, it just does not sound natural. IF I MAY BORROW SOME QUOTE” MAY PEACE BE UPON YOU”...DON PEDRO.
Saudara Shahrul, to your question 1.Do you think we can change the system? Change is always the easiest way out. Well it depends on our current situation, if you are implying on revolution well I think you just don't understand the Malay people psychological character. They just wont fight on mainstream ideology.. to them its an alien being,only those so called learned one choose this path, the majority is deeply rooted in Islam.Drastic and revolutionary changes will only meant chaos and anarchy to the malay people, in this ugly side called Amok is known in writings of the conquerors and explorers of the past civilization.
Evolutionary changes is what really happening to us malay. The non-malay tried to bring forth the arm revolt, but the malay just don't like to be force to. Look only the English knows and understand our psychology. They learn from their brothers the latinos and the dutch, you just can't treat them like the others. Capture their heart and you will conquer. bribe the leaders and we own them. Thats why the Japs Treat the Malay softer and different with others.
You see if a car breakdown because of the fuel pump you don't just change the car but you fix it by changing the fuel pump.That way you maintain your cash flow much better, unless you are filthy rich. that if your alter ego is too high, i mean only a stupid egoistic cun't will waste that hard earn money. Next..
Do you think we can have better hospitals? Why not? a poor country like Cuba can have a good one and a rich country England too. So why not us. Next
Do you think the corruption in politics will end? hehehe, what do you think? Do you understand the science of politics generally? What define as corruption and a helping hand? Listen very carefully.Listen if you are capable wouldn't you help your family first..its a matter of degree. It all comes down to Personality, Character and the person in subject.Next
Do you think Malays will look at Mercedes as the element of ‘besi dan tayar’? Not all in the near future..some will understand but most will be UNDER SAND.Next
Do you think K with the big J can be stop? I think I know who is this K but I'm not sure how BIG is his J. Personal comment is reserved. pls mail if you like TO Know. to sum it UP there were and will be only 4 rulers to ever ruled the world, Nimrod, Zulkarnain, Prophet Solomon and ....Those who is "Zalim" is stop by Allah like Nimrod, killed by a mosquito. So why worry? do something about it if you don't like. Next
What else are you thinking, brother? Illusions, Illusions and more Illusions.
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