Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Susu Saya Sudah Mahal la!!!

The key to a great Malaysia is great Malaysians; in becoming a good citizen one must be patriotic towards his/her own country. Nurturing patriotism by force wouldn’t be a good thing coz it is devoted love, support, and defense of one's country and forcing one to love others without return would be impossible. Maybe that was why Dato’ Onn succumb to the idea of opening UMNO to non-Malay.

I’m a Malay citizen, the fourth generation originally from Indonesia and the government plays major roles, turning me into who I am today and no doubt I need to thank the government for that. After 50 years things have change and Malays will need to be more open coz the success of this country is a collective effort by all Malaysians, maybe we should give a little bit more, and maybe the whole lot later, when we’re ready. Meanwhile, the Malays will need to learn how to compete. The rules of the world always pointed out that protecting the weak will normally weaken them.

Why don’t we start helping the poor Malaysians, not just the poor Malays? Enough with the significant numbers of rich Malays who most of them don’t share with other Malays (some would prefer to spend more than what they should). I’m not proud of those Malays especially when the truth prevailed after several years of their success enigma, mostly remembered as swindlers.

Rhetoric or populist are just terminology used by the politicians in their battle for supremacy but what will be of great important is to repair the damage and start fresh. Shabere Chik reminded us time and time again during the debate about the failure of Anwar while he was in the government but for god sake Mr Shabere please do something now, before it is too late.

The only thing that was interesting yesterday was the forum after the debate, the real economist talking about what need to be done, Datuk Saleh Majid. With his kampong style, Saleh Majid gets a hold of the phrase ‘don’t judge the book by its cover’ and bringing it to another level.

This is not just a problem of petrol price or bizarre sexual behaviors; it is a major problem with the management of economy by the entrusted entity. Why does my everyday ritual of buying the Dutch lady milk before going to work is getting expensive? I need an answer, but that won’t be enough, I need the government to make sure that the price is fixed until I get my salary hike. That is my basic understanding on how the government should handle inflation.

Tonight, I’m meeting my classmates in KL and I can’t wait to get their opinions on all the current issues. Oh yeah! Before I forget, the Minister who was in the debate yesterday did ask the ‘rakyat’ to decide on his future…I’ve decided - not fit enough!

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Mega liar, but which one?

One of them must be a mega liar, but which one?

I’m tired with all the drama and I guess it is about time for me to come up my own SD to add up a little bit more drama.

I, Mohd Shahrul Azmi Mohamad Yusoff (NRIC 7*0720-08-5***) a Malaysian citizen of full age and residing at No 5, xxxxxxx, Selangor Darul Ehsan do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:1. I have been a GLC staff for about 9 years and currently doing my best to understand the policy.

2. I love to beat my friend Izhar coz he keep on winning every time we play golf together and he got this ‘belagak’ face every time he did well.

3. I wish I can just be at home browsing the internet.

4. I know Razak Baginda but I don’t think he knows me.

5. My friend A**din told me he loves watching porn especially if its involved back banging.

6. My another friend Luq don’t like watching porn but he really need to get a girlfriend or else he could be sending the wrong signal.

7. I hate Rosyam Nor every time he acted in the drama, like he’s the Malaysian version of Brad Pitt.

8. When I was in UK I did not pay my last phone bills which can easily be around 300 pounds, when I consulted my friend he said it doesn’t matter coz the Mat Saleh took everything from our land during the colonial occupation and it is about time we take back from the White Man. From then onward I did not pay all the bills, although I did pay the National Lottery some money.

9. I don’t know Balasubramaniam but I know some Indian friends from my Teluk Intan days, one of them was Arul Piragasam, I wonder where he is now?

10. I need to go back now.

Subscribed and solemnly declared by the abovenamed )Mohd Shahrul Azmi )at Kuala Lumpur )in the State of W. Persekutuan )this 7th day of July 2008 )

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Friday, July 04, 2008

See.... I told you

From the popular declaration by Bala Subramaniam

25.2 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak informed Abdul Razak Baginda that he had a sexual relationship with Aminah and that she was susceptible to anal intercourse.

I told you.... most men interested...hahahaha

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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Sodomy or Economy?

According to the complimentary dictionary in the internet, sodomy is an act of anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex or the copulation with a member of the same sex and economy would mean thrifty management; frugality in the expenditure or consumption of money, materials, etc. the management of the resources of a community, country, etc., esp. with a view to its productivity the prosperity or earnings of a place, the disposition or regulation of the parts or functions of any organic whole; an organized system or method, the efficient, sparing, or concise use of something.

Now, you tell me which one is important to the country now?

When I was in Manchester I knew a bunch of Malay guys who enjoy getting the big bang from the back, god knows where they are now. If all the back banging cases were reported to the police, we could have one big building designated for the trials in Putrajaya.

Most men would enjoy watching porn in the internet once a while; to put some colours into it they opt for the second option, the back door. What most men don’t agree, is the idea of one man getting laid by another man although most men familiar with the idea of ‘bapok’ and gays. So what? This is the ugly world we’re living in.

What I don’t like is the failure of leaders to look at the important issues; they would rather concentrate on destroying the enemy than helping the needy. Sodomy or no sodomy, seriously I don’t care anymore, just bring back the economic stability.

My advice to all men who fell in love with another man and feeling guilty about it, don’t go to the police station. Clean up your act, get to the nearest bookstall and buy a book on ‘Taubat’, seek forgiveness from god and go on with your life, not the usual back banging life.

My advice to the leaders, get your act clean as well, don’t you dare to request all the ‘Makciks’ and ‘Pakciks’ to eat less rice when you guys are enjoying the expensive cars, dinners, houses, outfits, wives and sundry.

P/s – leaders - both the government and the oppositions.

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