Thursday, March 23, 2006

An Education System Worthy of Malaysia – Bakri Musa

That’s a good book to read, the objective is non obvious than overhauling Malaysian’s Education system. But somehow, I wonder what it takes to change the majority through a system, when the majorities have been living in the comfort zone for so long.

'Poor Malay fishermen do not invest in their children’s education not because they do not value education, rather they could not afford to. While education is the key to eradicating poverty, ironically poverty is also the greatest impediment to getting an education.' - Bakri Musa

Skills and knowledge - the key to success… everyone knows that.

What happen if the fisherman work continuously day and night fulfilling his dream of sending jr. to one of the top university, but the son is more interested in joining Akademi Fantasia and becoming Malaysian Idol?

Reading is not the popular hobbies especially to the malays. That is the reason why most Malay students fail to do well in school. Material is the benchmark for success, and therefore seeing Mawi making millions through singing (which is not that well-honestly) will definitely eliminate the desire of giving their best in class.

‘belajar rajin2, besar nanti boleh beli rumah besar, kereta besar, bini pun lawa’ - if that is the motivation line used, forget about overhauling the education system. I’m starting to think why I took engineering…urghh

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Family Law in this country

I got to admit that I'm not well verse about the new/old family law. I've seen my mom working so hard at home while my father went out to fight for some bread on the family table.But after reading the essay Our Own Apartheid by Marina Mahathir, I need to write something about the Lady.

Today, my wife is nothing like that. She's having her own circle of friend, heading her own department in the company, her own time at the beauty centre. Earning more than the husband, paying the same amount of bills, or even more in the house.

What do I do to pay back for all that? I spend most of my time with the family... alternate cooking schedule hubby/wife.. waking up at night whenever the two kids crying..marrying another girl/lady - don't think so because I love my wife more than anything although from time to time I joke about 'bini muda'.

There were time when I went to work with the yellowish turmeric powder stain on my nails... guess who's the one saying 'Tengok orang takut bini, kena masak'... it was the lady.. not so old, around fourty.

What I'm trying to say is that the woman would need to prepare themself, most of the time Marina Mahathir fight for the gender that don't care and don't even wanna change... for them, what their parents did last time was the right thing to do in Islam, without knowing what does the real teaching offers in the first place.

I'm tired to hear the same thing about family law story in this country, it's all about a guy having new wife and a woman being left high and dry by the husband... rationally I want it to be equal but then what can you do if it is not suppose to be equal in the first place...

Give it a few more years, my generation will be wise enough to think... but make sure that the information can be reach by everyone...not just the one who read NST or STAR.

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

The future is scary

The petrol is up, and the second man was trying his best to explain that on national tv yesterday. By 2010 it’ll be worst, we’re the importer of oil and country economic situation will be even worse.

What will happen to the country then?12 million cars on the road today, what will be the numbers by then?

The cake is getting smaller, but the politicians are still hungry for more and more. Who can stop them? Hopefully the seniors, coz nobody listen to 30 year old kid… unless that 30 year old kid married to the Abdullah’s…sadly we can’t rely on him.

image hosting by imagevenue.comI'm left with maggie...

I don’t know the leader of this country before Tun Mahathir… I kind of wonder why they are carrying the flag ‘Takkan Melayu Hilang Didunia’ in Batu Pahat last weekend… a celebration remembering Dato’ Onn?..isn’t he’s the one who proposed Parti Negara?UMNO and Parti Negara?…can someone advice me on this.

The X and Y generation is crying for help from the generation before. It is the results of education system that were introduced while the seniors were at their prime…Look at us now, we’re the products of bad production line… who to be blame? The line leaders? or is it the workers himself, who failed to follow instructions.

Scary seeing my two kids grow. Should I start with a rotan? Should I start with drama class, horse-riding, swimming lesson, kumon and whatever classes that cost fortune to mommy?Or should I start with government own religious school?

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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

An open letter to the oldies

Dear Oldies,

The ignorance of youngsters(the one below 30) is really bad for the nation. Politics, NEP or even religion are not the popular topic of discussion, it’s all about soccer and cars…

reading - forget about it, they would prefer buying an expensive sound system for the car then a 29.90 bestseller… talking about meritocracy among malay friends are like sticking a large sticker on my forehead - pengkhianat -

so what do I do? surfing the internet, bookmarking site like this one… where would I go from here?I don’t know… becoming one of the silent majority or should I say silent minority… when will the minority become majority? once again, I don’t know..

a slave, working hourly for food and shelter… that is who I am. The sad thing is, the master can’t even guarantee my existence as they continue acquring new land for their children…

at least the oldies(like my father who is 87) are enjoying their golden years looking back at the journey they’ve completed…as for me, the long winding road ahead is far from over.


Shahrul Azmi

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