The future is scary
The petrol is up, and the second man was trying his best to explain that on national tv yesterday. By 2010 it’ll be worst, we’re the importer of oil and country economic situation will be even worse.
What will happen to the country then?12 million cars on the road today, what will be the numbers by then?
The cake is getting smaller, but the politicians are still hungry for more and more. Who can stop them? Hopefully the seniors, coz nobody listen to 30 year old kid… unless that 30 year old kid married to the Abdullah’s…sadly we can’t rely on him.
I'm left with maggie...
I don’t know the leader of this country before Tun Mahathir… I kind of wonder why they are carrying the flag ‘Takkan Melayu Hilang Didunia’ in Batu Pahat last weekend… a celebration remembering Dato’ Onn?..isn’t he’s the one who proposed Parti Negara?UMNO and Parti Negara?…can someone advice me on this.
The X and Y generation is crying for help from the generation before. It is the results of education system that were introduced while the seniors were at their prime…Look at us now, we’re the products of bad production line… who to be blame? The line leaders? or is it the workers himself, who failed to follow instructions.
Scary seeing my two kids grow. Should I start with a rotan? Should I start with drama class, horse-riding, swimming lesson, kumon and whatever classes that cost fortune to mommy?Or should I start with government own religious school?
What will happen to the country then?12 million cars on the road today, what will be the numbers by then?
The cake is getting smaller, but the politicians are still hungry for more and more. Who can stop them? Hopefully the seniors, coz nobody listen to 30 year old kid… unless that 30 year old kid married to the Abdullah’s…sadly we can’t rely on him.
I don’t know the leader of this country before Tun Mahathir… I kind of wonder why they are carrying the flag ‘Takkan Melayu Hilang Didunia’ in Batu Pahat last weekend… a celebration remembering Dato’ Onn?..isn’t he’s the one who proposed Parti Negara?UMNO and Parti Negara?…can someone advice me on this.
The X and Y generation is crying for help from the generation before. It is the results of education system that were introduced while the seniors were at their prime…Look at us now, we’re the products of bad production line… who to be blame? The line leaders? or is it the workers himself, who failed to follow instructions.
Scary seeing my two kids grow. Should I start with a rotan? Should I start with drama class, horse-riding, swimming lesson, kumon and whatever classes that cost fortune to mommy?Or should I start with government own religious school?

Why not start martial arts classes….
I suppose we should make our kids be more physical… and better cope with any troubkes in the streets… you know what I mean… those martial arts will be handy one day….
And I think we should in general encourage kids to be more physical … wean them off the air-conditioned environments like going to malls and cinemas etc…. and educate them that every time they turn on the air-cond… the are wasting energy, thinning the ozone, polluting the air and contributing to the green house effect etc
Encourage them to walk out more….it beats the increasing energy price and it surely helps the body …i.e. Malaysians are becoming fatter every day esp the kids… also educate then that it is OK to sweat…. Nowadays Malaysian are as hypocrite as they can be… they don’t like to sweat… even though they live in a tropical country !!!
Oh… this reminds me of some folks who insist on driving to the mosque on Fridays… the mosque is just like 1-2 km away from office…. Ahhh…. just look at their bellies….the same also goes to my Christian friends… some who live quite close to their churches still want to drive instead of walking there……
Start ajar anak to be "Berani kerana Benar". The reason why, kalau semua kanak2 berusia 2 tahun dah di ajar dan ditanam prinsip ini 20 ke 30 tahun akan datang insyaallah tak jadik macam sekarang, bila petrol naik - diam, kita tahu ada corruption dalam government - diam, Semua ambil langkah selamat iaitu, "Tak berani walaupun benar".
Di sebabkan yang berani kerana benar tu minoriti, so yang berani walaupun salah senang senang je makan yang berani kerana benar.
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