Susu Saya Sudah Mahal la!!!
The key to a great Malaysia is great Malaysians; in becoming a good citizen one must be patriotic towards his/her own country. Nurturing patriotism by force wouldn’t be a good thing coz it is devoted love, support, and defense of one's country and forcing one to love others without return would be impossible. Maybe that was why Dato’ Onn succumb to the idea of opening UMNO to non-Malay.
I’m a Malay citizen, the fourth generation originally from Indonesia and the government plays major roles, turning me into who I am today and no doubt I need to thank the government for that. After 50 years things have change and Malays will need to be more open coz the success of this country is a collective effort by all Malaysians, maybe we should give a little bit more, and maybe the whole lot later, when we’re ready. Meanwhile, the Malays will need to learn how to compete. The rules of the world always pointed out that protecting the weak will normally weaken them.
Why don’t we start helping the poor Malaysians, not just the poor Malays? Enough with the significant numbers of rich Malays who most of them don’t share with other Malays (some would prefer to spend more than what they should). I’m not proud of those Malays especially when the truth prevailed after several years of their success enigma, mostly remembered as swindlers.
Rhetoric or populist are just terminology used by the politicians in their battle for supremacy but what will be of great important is to repair the damage and start fresh. Shabere Chik reminded us time and time again during the debate about the failure of Anwar while he was in the government but for god sake Mr Shabere please do something now, before it is too late.
The only thing that was interesting yesterday was the forum after the debate, the real economist talking about what need to be done, Datuk Saleh Majid. With his kampong style, Saleh Majid gets a hold of the phrase ‘don’t judge the book by its cover’ and bringing it to another level.
This is not just a problem of petrol price or bizarre sexual behaviors; it is a major problem with the management of economy by the entrusted entity. Why does my everyday ritual of buying the Dutch lady milk before going to work is getting expensive? I need an answer, but that won’t be enough, I need the government to make sure that the price is fixed until I get my salary hike. That is my basic understanding on how the government should handle inflation.
Tonight, I’m meeting my classmates in KL and I can’t wait to get their opinions on all the current issues. Oh yeah! Before I forget, the Minister who was in the debate yesterday did ask the ‘rakyat’ to decide on his future…I’ve decided - not fit enough!
I’m a Malay citizen, the fourth generation originally from Indonesia and the government plays major roles, turning me into who I am today and no doubt I need to thank the government for that. After 50 years things have change and Malays will need to be more open coz the success of this country is a collective effort by all Malaysians, maybe we should give a little bit more, and maybe the whole lot later, when we’re ready. Meanwhile, the Malays will need to learn how to compete. The rules of the world always pointed out that protecting the weak will normally weaken them.
Why don’t we start helping the poor Malaysians, not just the poor Malays? Enough with the significant numbers of rich Malays who most of them don’t share with other Malays (some would prefer to spend more than what they should). I’m not proud of those Malays especially when the truth prevailed after several years of their success enigma, mostly remembered as swindlers.
Rhetoric or populist are just terminology used by the politicians in their battle for supremacy but what will be of great important is to repair the damage and start fresh. Shabere Chik reminded us time and time again during the debate about the failure of Anwar while he was in the government but for god sake Mr Shabere please do something now, before it is too late.
The only thing that was interesting yesterday was the forum after the debate, the real economist talking about what need to be done, Datuk Saleh Majid. With his kampong style, Saleh Majid gets a hold of the phrase ‘don’t judge the book by its cover’ and bringing it to another level.
This is not just a problem of petrol price or bizarre sexual behaviors; it is a major problem with the management of economy by the entrusted entity. Why does my everyday ritual of buying the Dutch lady milk before going to work is getting expensive? I need an answer, but that won’t be enough, I need the government to make sure that the price is fixed until I get my salary hike. That is my basic understanding on how the government should handle inflation.
Tonight, I’m meeting my classmates in KL and I can’t wait to get their opinions on all the current issues. Oh yeah! Before I forget, the Minister who was in the debate yesterday did ask the ‘rakyat’ to decide on his future…I’ve decided - not fit enough!

Shabery's efforts were commendable, as it not an easy feat to share centrestage with the former DPM and defend the recent decisions made by the ruling government. If only he didn't try to assassinate Anwar's character at the end of every argument, he would not have come across as a buffoon. Foam gathered at the corners at his mouth as he cited Venezuela and Iran as examples, (if you had your face pressed to the tv last night-you would've noticed) but dodged the important questions - what happened to promises made after the last fuel hike in 2006? ah-ah. where did billions of savings go? do we need that much of energy reserves? are we truly in danger of becoming net importers of petroleum by 2015? some thought provoking questions and worthy of further debate nonetheless. as anwar sauntered across the stage to shake hands with shabery after the closing argument (which btw ended with a personal attack on anwar's character..tsk..tsk..),i believe all of us wait with unabated breath, for further drama to unfold in weeks to come.
I guess we can change the old phrase of 'menanam tebu di tepi bibir' to 'membesar buih ditepi bibir'.
I just wish for better Malaysia with less traffic jam in the city.
dua-dua sama je tak mendatangkan faedah.. paling penting sekarang ekonomi aku yg terjejas sekarang ni di elokkan balik..
hampeh kepada kedua-dua nya sekali terutamanya ANWARDOM
it was good meeting up. ki and i jadik pegi. nanti car-pool kot. see u & family in penang!
See you guys in Penang, anyway we kind of miss out the discussion on politics....
Susah nak carik org baik sekarang... ko layan je sampai betul2 terlungkup negara ni.
ki and i are very impressed with your blog. keep up the good writing!
I started tracking harga susu Dutch Lady Low Fat 1 ltr in 2003, masa tu RM3.30 kat Kuching. Now its RM4.30, memang terasa dah. My alternative brand lagi teruk, Devondale SMART milk from Australia used to be RM2.95/litre now RM4.75!
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