Aiming for the top
Lots of story for the past two months, my mom was re-admitted due to the third stroke attack, my two kids suffering the foot and mouth disease, my dad having a very bad prolonged fever and we the whole family are no longer in Taman Tun, it’s bangi from now on.
The world is getting crazier everyday, Malaysia once again topping the list. Imagine the cleanest soul in the country was found not so clean after all. People paying 150K just to meet another human being, not a handsome prince or hunky warrior or the best talisman, he’s just a son in law of someone who is not so great.
I received a comment from my long lost friend in Dukhan, she wrote…
fr shahalam_kerteh_dukhan said...
The world is getting crazier everyday, Malaysia once again topping the list. Imagine the cleanest soul in the country was found not so clean after all. People paying 150K just to meet another human being, not a handsome prince or hunky warrior or the best talisman, he’s just a son in law of someone who is not so great.
I received a comment from my long lost friend in Dukhan, she wrote…
fr shahalam_kerteh_dukhan said...
I think you had done such a great job in advertising yourself....maybe not so
great of being a researcher in sirim. Insyallah, kuatkan amal, doa, usaha &
yg penting keikhlasan dlm melakukan sesuatu. You have to strive for your desire
and take the challenge. All the best & may Allah be with u
always.....Regards fr. someone in Dukhan....
I think it is wise for me to reply…
Friend from Dukhan,
Thanks for the comment and the time spends reading my blog, it is not about promoting but it is all about shouting from inside. Maybe I’m not that good as a researcher but I took up the challenge and learn from the best, and perhaps you could be one of them if you stay.
Dukhan is in Qatar (is it?), well one thing for sure is you’re far away from Malaysia and you don’t need to be here to face the days of darkness, so dark – even darker than the days of former dictator and if you was under a shell all this while – he is now the savior to the populace.
Nothing much on the TV lately, only reality series, one after another, cari-suami, cari menantu, AF5, gang-starz and many more. All of those have got one thing in commons- you know it is a stupid show but yet you’re glued to the couch every time you start watching.
Now we do have a new attraction in the city, ‘eye on Malaysia’, “something for the tourists” said one of the minister, but I guess more Malaysians were flocking titiwangsa wasting their money on it, some said the view would be much better from the top of dayabumi building or you can go higher on top of the ancient KL Tower.
A bit about my family, Danial is four and the younger sister Qasdeena is three and my wife is keen to have the third one. We do spend most of the time either in our house, my mom’s house or my in-laws. But whatever it is, I’m still here. I’m trying my best to initiate changes, not the big way like parading in front of the Putrajaya but small voice from the 6 by 6 cubicle after office hour.
Labels: Aiming high