Aiming for the top
Lots of story for the past two months, my mom was re-admitted due to the third stroke attack, my two kids suffering the foot and mouth disease, my dad having a very bad prolonged fever and we the whole family are no longer in Taman Tun, it’s bangi from now on.
The world is getting crazier everyday, Malaysia once again topping the list. Imagine the cleanest soul in the country was found not so clean after all. People paying 150K just to meet another human being, not a handsome prince or hunky warrior or the best talisman, he’s just a son in law of someone who is not so great.
I received a comment from my long lost friend in Dukhan, she wrote…
fr shahalam_kerteh_dukhan said...
The world is getting crazier everyday, Malaysia once again topping the list. Imagine the cleanest soul in the country was found not so clean after all. People paying 150K just to meet another human being, not a handsome prince or hunky warrior or the best talisman, he’s just a son in law of someone who is not so great.
I received a comment from my long lost friend in Dukhan, she wrote…
fr shahalam_kerteh_dukhan said...
I think you had done such a great job in advertising yourself....maybe not so
great of being a researcher in sirim. Insyallah, kuatkan amal, doa, usaha &
yg penting keikhlasan dlm melakukan sesuatu. You have to strive for your desire
and take the challenge. All the best & may Allah be with u
always.....Regards fr. someone in Dukhan....
I think it is wise for me to reply…
Friend from Dukhan,
Thanks for the comment and the time spends reading my blog, it is not about promoting but it is all about shouting from inside. Maybe I’m not that good as a researcher but I took up the challenge and learn from the best, and perhaps you could be one of them if you stay.
Dukhan is in Qatar (is it?), well one thing for sure is you’re far away from Malaysia and you don’t need to be here to face the days of darkness, so dark – even darker than the days of former dictator and if you was under a shell all this while – he is now the savior to the populace.
Nothing much on the TV lately, only reality series, one after another, cari-suami, cari menantu, AF5, gang-starz and many more. All of those have got one thing in commons- you know it is a stupid show but yet you’re glued to the couch every time you start watching.
Now we do have a new attraction in the city, ‘eye on Malaysia’, “something for the tourists” said one of the minister, but I guess more Malaysians were flocking titiwangsa wasting their money on it, some said the view would be much better from the top of dayabumi building or you can go higher on top of the ancient KL Tower.
A bit about my family, Danial is four and the younger sister Qasdeena is three and my wife is keen to have the third one. We do spend most of the time either in our house, my mom’s house or my in-laws. But whatever it is, I’m still here. I’m trying my best to initiate changes, not the big way like parading in front of the Putrajaya but small voice from the 6 by 6 cubicle after office hour.
Labels: Aiming high

Nothing new in paying to get something from a Malay in Malaysia. It is the market - not abuse of power or discrimination against people born and bred in the country.
Everybody gets a fair go - especially if they are Muslims from Java or Phillipines? Did you get your Govt job because you were a world class researcher? No and you know it. Be grateful to UMNO, AAB and even his son-in-law. The system has been good to you.
You are only objecting because of the Son-In-Law's Hindustan good looks! When a gadis jelita sees a Hindustan or Pakistan man and a Melayu, you know where her heart will go.
If you don't like the system, go - migrate and compete in the world. Show them you are as good as the Chinese, India, Mat Salleh, Jepun, etc, etc. But you will never do it and you know why. You are not world class.
The system has been good to Shahrul Azmi? Never... they spoiled me instead..
I'm not jeaulous of the shah rukh khan wannabbee with big K and the big J on that T-shirt during any My Team game - once again a wannabee Premier League Manager...I'm just tired seeing Malays being complacence easily by the gift of material or education, but yet all the time turn to be self centered i.e concerned solely or chiefly with one's own interests, welfare, etc.; engrossed in self; selfish; egotistical.
A mentality of the old folks from any kampung ruled by UMNO, enough with Nasi Lemak and Baju Free... 'thanks to UMNO we have been modernise now' said the old makcik, on the way to hospital which is 2 hours away by bus... ask the people in Sabah who supported Barisan for 50 years but yet to have clean water in the house?
We don't really care coz the government has been good to you and me... after all the toll price is not that expensive.
Migrating to another country to be third class citizen is temporary solution, it is like running away from a problem and comeback with great hopes that it has been solved by others...chiow
@ Tok Janggut:
It's not the matter of being a world class researcher or not. Some people are contented in their state living in, while some people realized that they were pampered too much.
Err, someone Son-In-Law's Hindustan good looks ? LOL, ¯\( ¯A¯)/¯ .Oh come on, in this superficial world money comes first than looks. Probably Maya Karin's monthly maintenance is more expensive than maintaining your bimmer. By then, you should already know that before someone bring it up eh?
Migrating might be a good temporary solution and probably the grass is greener there but only cowards that will do that. Unless you were born Caucasian and you will be treated like a king everywhere. I don't mind ‘not’ being a world class as long as people don't bug my life and I have a sacred lifelong mission to fulfill. Who cares about being world class anyway? Human cloning ? Nanotechnology ? Fuel Cell ? Cold Fusion ? Until Malaysian mentality and road manners improved while potholes on MRR2 are patched up, we are no where near that.
Perhaps we should stop eating fries at Mc’d, smoking Dunhill cigarettes in kopitiam and watching gibberish AF 5 on Astro while we can sit down quietly and start thinking on reducing daily carbon emissions that contributes to global warming.
At my limited capacity, I would like to respond to Tok Janggut and Shahrul:-
Allow me to begin with my history in M’sia prior to progress further with my life in the Middle East. Grown-up as anak kampong in a remote part of Pahang and dreamed to change and improve my family destiny one day. Never entered any boarding school or MRSM, and even chose to be in the local U only for my tertiary education. Since my schooling days, I was having inferiority complex and inherited it later for few working years. Started my career path with SIRIM and quitted after 2 years. Joined a giant steel plant at Banting and after 7 years accumulating precious experience, I shifted to a more demanding industry, Oil & Gas. My next company was the biggest oil & gas Company in the world, ExxonMobil. My working philosophies are pretty simple – satisfy what you’re doing, deliver perfection as possible as you can, gain knowledge, never stop learning and most importantly, “IKHLAS” in your work and “REDHA” to Allah. Whatever you received along your career path is the bonus and “rezki” from Allah either position, salary increment, etc. However, don’t ever give up and demoralized if you’re still at the same position and continuously put concentrated efforts in your works, at least you can enrich your knowledge/know-how if not become a rich person.
I made another major step and “hijrah” in my life and career - working abroad at Qatar’s Petroleum Company. My wife and I took a few weeks to make up our mind, but the offer was too good too reject adding with permanent position, accommodation, allowances, schooling for my children, etc. I’ve been told that the position was applied by nearly 4000 applicants and Alhamdulillah, I finally got the job. It was also my dream to see my own children raised by their own mother.
At the beginning, my father in-law objected our decision considering his UK graduated daughter will become soon full-housewife. Alhamdulillah, he finally accepted and “REDHA”. Now, we nearly completed our 3rd year in Qatar and Alhamdulillah, my family and I are living happily here. As far as work concerned, there are 5 senior engineers working under me with 3 of them are “mat salleh”. We performed “umrah” last May with our 3 heroes and brought over my mother to Qatar last August for 6 months. I would say, Malaysia is still our country, but our new beloved home is Qatar.
In my perspective as Oil and Gas industry worker and engineer working oversea, I do believe that we’re not 3rd class citizen in our own country. I would say that Alhamdulillah, our income are better compared to some people even during our tenure in Malaysia, and now at oversea, we are treated much more better and afford at our age below 40’s to buy new Mercedes E-class or BMW 5 series which normally driven by businessman, politician or GLC’s CEO. With respect to working time, we finish at 2.30 p.m. and total working hours yearly is less than 1200 hrs compared to average working hours yearly in Malaysia of 2500 hours. Hope you can imagine how we spend our valuable quality time with our family. Salaam and thanks.
Thanks for the comments, perhaps it is true that there are some who are successful outside... it's just that by going outside you might be mowing away from the internal struggles.... but as you said if it is 'ihklas' god will bless you.
hmmm...what happened to this guy ah?? been sooo updates? hey man! you still alive ah? updates please..if you really are unwell..terlantar somewhere..hope you get well real soon ah..take care now!! best wishes to you and family
Its rather late to comment on this issue but I feel its something you have to think about and not judge people for their decisions......
Kadang-kadang apa yang kita kata adalah untuk menyedapkan hati kerana itulah keputusan yang telah kita ambil, so you have to live with it. Not taking into account what will and can happen. People leaving the country with the thought of making a better life for them would only see the dollar and cents….what about the family they leave behind…I am not wrong in saying the main reason is $$$$ and these may be the people who don’t have commitment or don’t care about their commitment and people who can leave on their own….sometime I just wonder, these people don’t care about community life……image this scenario, you dead will your own family be able to ‘process’ you on their own?….sometime the community only ‘process’ them out of charity and because its fardu kifayah…..but deep down inside they will be saying, ‘I don’t even know this guy…… long as he been around the neighbourhood? How long as he been away? What’s his name? Who are his family?
People who can come and go, in and out from their house without knowing their neighbour are the people who can leave with any feeling of guilt. We always have the perception that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Go out and make your wealth and come home when your health is going down hill and hoping that people will take care of you because of your money! and no one knows you….trying to be one of the member of the community or better still stay in a gated community and no one knows you…even your next door neighbour won’t bother who you are!
In this day and age, everyone goes for money …as the perception all of us have is “You can only be happy if you have money”. BUT the one question you should always have yourself ………..IF you have all the money in the world would you use it to change the world for the better? Or is it only for you and your family…… the answer is YES, then think again………..Manusia sebagai Khalifah ALLAH….Nabi dan para Khalifah dahulu berkorban dari seorang yang berharta kepada seorang yang cukup makan saje demi menegakkan panji ISLAM…mampukah kita yang berduit ini berkorban begini?
Don’t look down at people staying back but think again …………….one day you will want to come back and expect people staying back would take care and welcome you…there reason why we stay and there reason why we leave…the opportunity you had from jumping into Oil and Gas industry may come from the few months you were with the research institute, if not for it you would not be able to sell yourself that easily! So husband of Shahalam….Kerteh to Dukhan……….you may have made the right decision for yourself BUT don’t think that those who stayed back are lazy or idiots!
Life is like a wheel, so don’t think you will always be on top…………..think twice…before saying anything..........that would reflect on who you really are…..
Keep up the good work.
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