It was in late 70’s, the whole of Kampong Bahagia was very happy with his achievement. He was never the pride of my hometown until the day he sang that Lancang Kuning in Bintang RTM final. That’s Jamal Abdillah, the gold voice singer that only drug can bring him down, stopping his domination of every top charts in the country. Nope, today is not about THE Jamal Abdillah that I am keen to write about. It is the other Jamal, the fishy smelling Jamal from Sekinchan. Saying he’s delusional is an understatement; he’s more than that, kind of a super wacko that can be gossip materials among the mental patients themselves.
According to this red outfit man, Malaysia is in need of a hero, a Hang Tuah like warrior that can save the nation from an evil force in yellow. This morning, like any other morning for the past year; he spoke in front of cameras with funny little heads nodding around him. He claimed that the Yellow’s is not just yellow, it is worse than that, much worse than the prophecy of Trump winning the election; the yellow is in alliance with the black! He’s not talking about the peace loving black rappers. It is the evil of all blacks, the ISIS!!
Wait till you hear about where he got the information from. Who would have guessed the shorty Rafizi is the culprit? Not me for sure. Jamal could have stop just by showing cheap plastic clear holder with the word ‘sulit’ on top, but he literally crossed the boundary of stupidity by mentioning Rafizi as his informer. If there is a jar that I put in 1 ringgit every time I see something stupid being done in front of cameras, the acts of Jamal alone can buy me a proton saga; the one launched by the tall, dark and handsome polo playing hipster. Uwekk.
I am neither red nor yellow, far from blue and hardly a green. The colours are becoming more confusing as if the acronym itself is not. There are so many of them now, one after another political party with one thing in common, in it are the politicians. That’s what they do, they lie continuously and believe in every cock and bull stories coming out from their mouth. We don’t need Jamal in red, as much as we don’t need the idiotic politicians if only we are allowed to decide our own destiny. It is our problem that is in need of great focus such as the bills, the inequality, the highly speculated housing price and the nasi lemak price be it dara or janda.
Years since I write a post in this blog, thanks to Jamal Abdillah, it’s his songs that open up my desire to write. He is the real Jamal, the Jamal we really need to listen to kill off the boredom of seeing Malaysian political scene.