Here I am in Kluang after days of walking down memory lane. It started on Friday, my small family journey to Penang, it was the long awaited school reunion. Fun is an understatement as we were so happy meeting all the long lost friends from the good old days, 15 years back in a small community of MRSM Balik Pulau.
My friend Amal brought the old photos and we can’t stop laughing, food must be an issue those days as most the guys accumulated a big hike in fat within 15 years, 70% maybe. Not the girl. Do I look uglier now, no point being hypocrite, the hair loss says it all. May the rich friend can bring me to HU NAM hair treatment.
Once a tiny little girl, still a tiny little lady, Saz a marine biologist marrying one of its kind living in Australia till the end of the year and both to be coming back with PHD. That is success.
Khaizurah, the ever serious girl from my class is now a married woman. The hybrid generation of Malay and Chinese end up with a very friendly husband, can’t wait to be playing golf with him. If you’re reading please ask your husband to call me and be prepared for days of loneliness while we, the man, enjoy our day.
Anisa, another hybrid, such a tall girl who can easily opt for the catwalk if she ever get bored practicing law. High chance for me to have tall grandchildren, if Danial can work his way to Anisa’s daughter. Come on Danny Boy.
Nobody can deny her ambition, glad that she’s a doctor. Imelda married Rahim, another friend of mine who did joined us to the re-union. Thanks to Melda for introducing my wife to me.
I got to say I admire Amal’s courage, he’s now the owner of a multimillion company but still the same chubby boy I knew 15 years ago. All the money and material does not change him a bit. Well, my wife can’t stop praising Amal’s soft spoken wife, Ain. If you’re reading this blog Ain, please tell me where to get your books, I’m buying for my wife.
A boy from the recent batch call me pakcik, am I that old to a 16 years old boy. Damn! Kids and manners.
I hate all the ass sucking stuff, got what I mean. Imagine a guy who was not even from the circle were given the VIP treatment. As I was lining up for the lunch, Mukhriz Mahathir just sits and wait for the food to be serve by the suckers. Sorry friends… get that f***ing mentality out of your mind.
The tarik session on Sunday night was even better, old boys discovering about the politician. Most of us were frustrated with the system. The educational system must change for the better. Stop teaching children about important dates such as the independent and the date of Malayan Union Establishment. Teach them the rationality and philosophy, so they can really think on their own.
All the flaws or stupid orders from the governments can’t just be swallowed without real judgment, lucky that my group of friends are a bunch of revolutionize Malaysian.