Alive and Kicking
Few months I guess from the last posting? Busy with work, kids and the world especially in this not so tiny island i.e. Malaysian where everything is truly Asia but not so Asia lately coz the politician always reminded us that it is own by the Malays who owns the power.
Ever heard of Dengue fever? I used to ignore the threat until my son Danial was diagnosed with one about a month ago. Shocked, disbelief and ‘why him?’ Kind of question pops up in my tiny little brain. I was worried, even promised my self that I won’t be hitting him with that ‘rotan’ anymore, a decision which makes my wife the dirty cops now. He was so ill and landed on that hospital bed for about a week.
Now, here is the interesting story, a story about how a daddy loves his son only to be annoyed with the stupid bureaucracy.
I went to the MPK( Majlis Perbandaran Kajang) requesting them to forge(is that the correct speling, seriously I don’t care as long as you understand what that is – sembur nyamuk) my house. They said I need to wait till they get the instruction from Kajang Health Office, ok then, so off I went to the health office in Kajang. This time the lady said it is not legal for them to do it before they get the letter from hospital that diagnosed Danial. Fair enough, so I call the hospital, well they said they’ve faxed the letter to Ministry of Health in KL. Arggggghhhhhhh! By the time I get to killed all the mosquitoes there will be 327 new cases in my area with 5 casualties only because of that piece of paper of which the doctor signed about a year ago. (I’m exaggerating a bit here okay)
The next morning I went to the Hospital and the get the copy of that so call important letter, faxed it to the health office, call them every hour till noon, by 6 pm, a white four wheel drive vehicle with a aloud speaker went touring round my housing area – “ Mintak perhatian, kawasan ini di dapati kawasan positif denggi ….blalalala”. About an hour later the white smoke was all over the houses. Emerging from the smokes, was an officer from the Health office with mask covering his face walking like a hero as if he had save the life of innocents like Bruce Willis in Die hard 1, 2 & 3 only to be spoiled with an irritating voice of a baldy guy, “ Kerja ni patut dah lama dah buat, bukan tunggu sampai ada orang masuk hospital!!”.the end.
Since I don’t have money to advertise my ‘congrats’ to Raja Nazrin on his wedding, I’m going to do it here in my blog as if he is reading.
To : Raja Nazrin
Selamat Pengantin Baru
From : Mohd Shahrul Azmi ( born in Teluk Intan in 1976 at that government hospital)
He’s the man, yes, he is the real man. In the midst of all politicians and ‘kaparats’ are showing off with their kids wedding, a man who have waited so long for a wife with a rightful position for a grand wedding refused it all only to show the world that the money is better of to the needy; the orphanage, the oldies and the unlucky poor people. After all, it is good to see someone from oxford with sacred hearth, a none existence in the world of Malaysian Politics.
By the way, the reason for being quite all this while was due to the inaccessibility to the blogpots account due to the restrictions imposed by my company. Singing in tune with the government.
Ever heard of Dengue fever? I used to ignore the threat until my son Danial was diagnosed with one about a month ago. Shocked, disbelief and ‘why him?’ Kind of question pops up in my tiny little brain. I was worried, even promised my self that I won’t be hitting him with that ‘rotan’ anymore, a decision which makes my wife the dirty cops now. He was so ill and landed on that hospital bed for about a week.
Now, here is the interesting story, a story about how a daddy loves his son only to be annoyed with the stupid bureaucracy.
I went to the MPK( Majlis Perbandaran Kajang) requesting them to forge(is that the correct speling, seriously I don’t care as long as you understand what that is – sembur nyamuk) my house. They said I need to wait till they get the instruction from Kajang Health Office, ok then, so off I went to the health office in Kajang. This time the lady said it is not legal for them to do it before they get the letter from hospital that diagnosed Danial. Fair enough, so I call the hospital, well they said they’ve faxed the letter to Ministry of Health in KL. Arggggghhhhhhh! By the time I get to killed all the mosquitoes there will be 327 new cases in my area with 5 casualties only because of that piece of paper of which the doctor signed about a year ago. (I’m exaggerating a bit here okay)
The next morning I went to the Hospital and the get the copy of that so call important letter, faxed it to the health office, call them every hour till noon, by 6 pm, a white four wheel drive vehicle with a aloud speaker went touring round my housing area – “ Mintak perhatian, kawasan ini di dapati kawasan positif denggi ….blalalala”. About an hour later the white smoke was all over the houses. Emerging from the smokes, was an officer from the Health office with mask covering his face walking like a hero as if he had save the life of innocents like Bruce Willis in Die hard 1, 2 & 3 only to be spoiled with an irritating voice of a baldy guy, “ Kerja ni patut dah lama dah buat, bukan tunggu sampai ada orang masuk hospital!!”.the end.
Since I don’t have money to advertise my ‘congrats’ to Raja Nazrin on his wedding, I’m going to do it here in my blog as if he is reading.
To : Raja Nazrin
Selamat Pengantin Baru
From : Mohd Shahrul Azmi ( born in Teluk Intan in 1976 at that government hospital)
He’s the man, yes, he is the real man. In the midst of all politicians and ‘kaparats’ are showing off with their kids wedding, a man who have waited so long for a wife with a rightful position for a grand wedding refused it all only to show the world that the money is better of to the needy; the orphanage, the oldies and the unlucky poor people. After all, it is good to see someone from oxford with sacred hearth, a none existence in the world of Malaysian Politics.
By the way, the reason for being quite all this while was due to the inaccessibility to the blogpots account due to the restrictions imposed by my company. Singing in tune with the government.