Seeing things…

I’m seeing a man who used to be a leader washed out in the race of power. Neither love nor anger can break the barrier. A large barrier with loyal guardians, which can turn 720 degrees at anytime. ‘Elegant Silent’ the choice of many, benefiting the leaders / rulers of this country. Mahathir is no angel, but please let him voice out whatever things he wants to say, we’re far from the level of stupidity labeled by the government.
I’m seeing a society rotten by the media. Marks of love between husband and wife discussed as if it is an issue of life and dead. May god bless the gossip hunter with magic detergent to clean those polluted brains and carry on with their own life.
I’m seeing no changes to the public transportation system coz I can’t find any bus that goes to my office. What the heck happen to the money taken from our petrol subsidy, after all it is the lower class problem, and do you think they care?
I’m seeing Osama playing hide and seek with the Americans troops, or could it be that American don’t care about Osama. All they ever want is to make more and more money. The bloody legacy of Sept 11 remains, five years on; Osama saying, “catch me if you can”.
I’m seeing the ‘prodigy’ pursuing his glory, wealth and ambitions. Nothing can stop him now be it the hecklers or the elders, he’s on fire, burning every single bridge and ladder on the way up. For him, there’s no two way to glory than moving forward. What’s next after the race card?
I’m seeing my friend Disha reading this blog, thanks dude. I’ll always remember those days, RM25 a month, but yet we can buy t-shirt, we can go back home to Perak on that third class train and many more enjoyable moment. How’s London anyway?
I’m seeing news without borders in the internet, allowing us to compare the GDP of this country to others. At the current rate, someone must be lying, coz you can’t smell trouble in local newspaper. Malaysia, at all times highly rated by Malaysian especially the leaders.
I’m seeing Liverpool and Arsenal going down. With Perak loosing the Semi-Final of Malaysia Cup, not much excitement in watching football for me.
I’m seeing Bakri Musa(read his article on Pak Lah) as an outsider who dare to voice out his opinion. It is easy shouting from the spectator’s seat. It is time for him to join the team and play the game.
I’m seeing no changes to my bed ridden mother; it is so hard to see her suffering. One year since the strokes attacked, friends and family, do come over. She’s happy every time guests walk in to the house.
What I don’t wanna see is another Mawi’s and Siti’s episodes. I wanna see some improvement in Bicara Siswa. Too much for me to see student’s representatives who can’t speak.

Amboi, amboi, i ngok kau punye comment i pun gelak le. Hoi, jiran engkau le, Peter. U nii kreatif jugak.. nampak gambar semua ada style. Orite bro, keep it up.
Thanks Peter, dulu kecik2 mau jadi artist... tapi apa bole buat sudah terlajak perahu...
Can you buy me that oranje shade.. kinda cooolll mann..
10 ringgit at Tesco, wonder why the sales girl was smiling looking at me trying it... it was a cheeky smile as if saying "this old man is trying so much to look cool"
SUPERSTAR!!!camne dah jadi superstar lupeke kite orang semua ni...
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