
This morning, luckily a lady by the name of Hafizah was there, maybe on her way out of the office for morning coffee break which you can clearly tell by the dashing voice. I don’t think I can be more polite, starting with salaam and morning greetings, but do I get to be treated nicely? Yes I did but only after halfway of the conversation that lasted 10 minutes.
The first five minutes was all about ‘aaaaa’ and ‘kena bayarlah’. So, I told her that I’ve paid the bill via internet and I wanted an explanation why did the transaction go unnoticed by TNB. She did not give me any reason, but she did mention about handling a similar case about a week ago. Before she hung up the phone I did asked her if they can delay the due date for settlement, the answer was immediate NO.
Yesterday I met an old man at Affin Bank. He told me the reason why he preferred manual-to-the-counter than the super automated modern day banking. Security. Yesterday I thought that man was being too square, today I learned my lesson.
They are many to be blame, first would be Shahrul Azmi who was too lazy to look at the current bills and check for any miscalculation. Second would be the bank that somehow took the money from the account and transferred them to a ‘mysterious’ location. Third would be TNB who refused to understand my problem and insisted me to shell out my own money to settle the bill, without consideration that I might need the money to do other important stuff such as going to my cousin’s wedding this weekend in Kuala Kangsar. Last but not least would be Michael Faraday who founded that electricity can only be produced by magnetism motion, why can’t he just use water to generate energy?
Hopefully my writing this time won’t upset any of the readers, it is purely about ignorance – a side too often portrayed in our society.

Pity to hear that my friend. But don't give up E-banking as it will be your next underwear-like must-use stuff to you. Unless you are those who love not to wear one.
thanks and I do enjoy the air coming thru kain pelekat... so refreshing, so comfortable.
What a pity, don't give up man.. this is only 1 case of millions of e-banking users.. Nasib u tak baik jer.. maybe human fault..there is no perfect system..
Salam sayang,
Your big fans.
What a pity.. by the way.. what's wrong with your hit counter.. I can't see from my house la.. May be u have to change it..Anyway, i have a suggestion, may be u can add some message features on the front page coz, it's to slow for me to leave a comments here..
So far I have no problems paying my bills with maybank2u. I am ignorant about checking the details but after reading bout your incident, i must be more careful and not take things for granted. Once, I almost got fooled by the email asking me to update my details using the link provided in the email, supposedly linking to maybank. Despite the warnings we receive in the emails on this bluff, I did clicked on the link, but quickly changed my password. Lucky nothing happened.
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