It's a long way

From Sharifah Amani’s naughty mouth to one eye MB from Jasin, with Siti’s and Mawi vs Deana in between, I think I’ve seen enough foolish decisions. News is just entertainment, too big to matters to the believers. When wedding planners are superior to the tok kadi, perhaps it is time for Malays to kiss good bye to sincerity. Sincerity, that can be dangerous at wrong place and wrong time, especially in front of your kind.
To Sharifah Armanee,
You are brilliant and arrogant at the same time; just speak in whatever language you think you are good at. After all I’ve watched you doing interview in Malay, you’re no that stupid anyway. One more thing, take care while you’re in front of the reporters, they would prefer silly mistakes than the brilliant substances. Finally, what you did was stupid – thanks.
To Mawi and Deana (or Eena or whatever)
Ever heard of ‘perigi mencari timba’, it was displayed prominently during the interviews. Not that I waited in front of the tv and watch the entire interview, a glance while drinking coffee at Ali Baba Restaurant was enough for me to come up with the judgment. It’s the king of all bloopers, and RTM could have been the savior, but the temptation was too much too resist. Enough is enough, no more input from the brainless-tummy-full producers.
To Siti and Datuk K,
Please give back to society, you owe them so much. Not just free photo session and dinners, more than that, you could continue the legacy by sending orphans to further their studies. They said, it was 3 million ringgit from Media Prima, half than that amount will be enough for 50 students pursuing their dreams of a degree, it is not just your dream of being a princess, believe me Datin Siti, you can be more than that.
To Jasin MP,
Please do the right thing. Get out.
To my wife Jaja,
Happy Anniversary, 4 years but still-long way to go. I can’t promise a Datin, but for sure, I won’t be Datuk S who hunt young pop female idol.
To Pak-Lah,
Please stop increasing the Tobacco tax. Please, please, please, we won’t stop; we’ll just waste more money.

To Amani,
the comment might have been innocently conveyed (but oh so wrongly interpreted), but you should seriously look into polishing up your PR skills. limelight comes automatically with being a public figure. deal with it. wisely. portray an image that you want for yourself (whatever that may be) and apologize when you're outta line, coz obviously the little stunt that you made, did not reflect the image that you were working your ass for.
To MP,
you're a complete idiot surrounded by many controversial issues that could potentially be unlawful. and why are you the PEOPLE's representative again? yah, to serve the people. your "people"?
To PM,
you know we are never gonna quit rite??? i mean, come on!! who are you trying to kid with the "menggalakkan rakyat untuk berenti merokok" slogan??? are you really continuously increasing ciggarette prices to stop us (smokers)from "pursuing" our potential sufferings, or purely for your GUARANTEED gain??honestly, they know we're still gonna buy them packs even at RM10.just shout out an "ethical" reason to jack the prices up, and we could just go ahead with charging them at any absurd cost. doesnt that fit the description even more?
"I can’t promise a Datin, but for sure, I won’t be Datuk S who hunt young pop female idol. "
Bro, a little advice, it's good to end the statement above with InsyaAllah. We can never be too sure...:) What lies ahead is not for us to know except for the Almighty Creator.
...insya-allah, thanks dude for the reminder.
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