It is the new year once again

Do you notice how time flies ever so fast? It feels like only last month I wrote about my own resolutions for 2006, all about smoking habits and my unsettled loan/debt (especially the one I owe my other half). Honestly, none was achieved, credits to my stubbornness and stupidity.
This morning I feel like pushing the throttle paddle to the floor and ramp pass the gate at LDP highway, 60% hike is just too much, my god this is a cruel world. Since I’ve started, let me nag even more about thee toll saga. Do you know what’s the alternative route for me if I choose to be rebellious, from Taman Tun to Bukit Jalil would be twice the distance hustling through traffic, idiotic drivers and not to mention the excavators who can’t find any other time, moving at speed that makes turtle sleeping between the race before speeding up to the finish line. Yet Samy Vellu said its okay, coz new highways are making wonders to unreachable area.
Isn’t it a responsibility of any government to build roads? Enough for them letting others doing it and charge the public? Salute the ‘wig master’ for bringing swindling act to another level. And poor people, a persona-non-grate to the world class superhighways in the land coated with honey.
My son Danial will be four this year and lovely daughter Qasdeena will be three (and the father with big three and one), and I’m seeing nature works its magic. There are reasons why boys wear pants and girls wear skirts, one for the active rebellious hero and one for the sweet little princess. Both are the recipe of completeness for me and Jaja. And this year we could see another junior, Insya-Allah if one can swim hard enough for the magic connection.
My SuperMak(mom) condition is not that good at the moment for the past few weeks, she’s getting weaker after a year lying down on that bed, sometimes too much for my two Super Sisters, to them I owe so much and I don’t know how could I repay.
Last but not least, the luckiest man in Malaya last year for me is none other than Datuk K, an old man closed the curtain after years of speculation. I wonder how the mustache man reacts after listening to his young wife singing a song about him…
Peluklah daku,
Janji denganku,
And so on…. Meremang bulu roma imagining hairy monster all over her.

Wow.. toll dah naik pun sempat jugak u tambah anak.. hehe..
Happy new year dude. Attempted to quit smoking huh...? Everything is in the mind the mind.
ala... cemen blehh..... ya ka hang nak quit smoking...?
leh caya ka?
cemen kalau dah berenti hisap rokok lepas ni nak hisap ape pulak??
Normally things that is in the list does is never a reality... So consider takdelaa nak berenti rokok kot...
Dude just drop by your page since it was linked to Ms WTF blog...
good English..ehehhe tak sangke makcik
Don't bother the "shaded-madam" (hehe),
do you know that guy? Reminds 'us' about you, dude..
I think you had done such a great job in advertising yourself....maybe not so great of being a researcher in sirim. Insyallah, kuatkan amal, doa, usaha & yg penting keikhlasan dlm melakukan sesuatu. You have to strive for your desire and take the challenge. All the best & may Allah be with u always.....Regards fr. someone in Dukhan....
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