Laksamana vs Malaysian Astronaut

Laksamana Cheng Ho was happy to have that deal materialized, imagine getting all the free stuff as well as having an extra workforce on the ship, ‘Why not’ said the wise voyager. The news of acceptance was conveyed to Sultan in no time; the announcer gathered the people of Malacca and enlightens the news,
‘Kepada rakyat Melaka, Sultan dengan ini memperkenankan suatu perjalanan pengembaraan seorang rakyat melaka yang bertuah lagi bijaksana. Sesiapa yang mampu menjadi juara pencak silat diraja akan dinobatkan sebagai Panglima Pengembara yang akan belayar bersama Laksamana Cheng Ho ke seluruh pelusuk dunia dan akan dikurniakan gelaran Datok Panglima apabila pulang nanti, wassalam’
Basically – ‘whoever wins the royal rumble will get to be a voyager under the admired mentor – Laksamana Cheng Ho.’
A fortnight later, a warrior was chosen after killing 120 ‘pawang’ and injuring 200 other contestants. He was a hero, a handsome lad who was in the hearth of thousands young women’s, and some young men – the different kind of men. Soon after the journey, the man came back to Malacca as a real hero to the populace, not knowing that Laksamana Cheng Ho dump him in Batak Island, until the last day of his life Datok Panglima Zakar Gembira was telling the people of Malacca that the Chinese was good in hunting and eat lots of pork. That was why the Malay refused to be friend with Chinese, they were afraid that the Chinese will only eat pork making them too ‘porky’ to be a friend.
And today brothers and sisters, the government is doing something similar, almost identical that is. A young Doctor to be chosen among thousands of candidates and he will be flying to the outer-space-god-knows-where to put Malaysian flag up there, while drinking teh tarik and eating roti canai(or Chennai as it was originated from India). Only this time the government won’t be giving gold money and women, it’s just American Dollar and it is just around 34 million of that bucks head. Interesting huh???

I lol'ed after reading it twice. Anyway Datuk Panglima Zakar Gembira is really something eh ? LOL.
When the gove wanted bo build the world renown twin tower, KLIA, F1 circuit and even the Putrajaya, and spent billions of RM in the process, there were these noises on the background synicaly commenting that the govt had wastfully spent the tax payers' money. Many years later, these noises turn out to be the nicest music to the ears when they say that these monuments has made Malaysia "seen and visible" on the world map.
Some attempts need time to be proven its worth and logic. Give 'em some time. God willing, these 34 million buckaroos will turn out to be good investments and Datuk Panglima Zakar Gembira will be ear-to-ear taking pictures with people admiring his journey, not knowing that these were the synics who made the noises earlier. His zakar will definitely be longer - effect from the gravity pulling when they descend back to earth.... Interesting huh...
anonymous friend,
It is good to start the 'Malaysia Boleh' theme, but please put a stop to all this silly idea.
The twin tower is undoubtedly one big thing, but does it really matter? Walk around KL and you'll see sign such as 'Office to Let' everywhere, half empty twin tower with a shopping mall managed by an outsider... is that something to be proud of??
Datok Mansor, Datuk Hassan Nawawi, Datok Abdul Malik Mydin to name a few, where are they now? What good does it bring to the nation? To make matter worse, the sensatonal rumours about apostacy that is heading the news...and you expect something good from sending someone to the space via an express bus...
You are really not proud of what we have do you? I believe what was spent was meant for the future generation. As long as our hard earned money are not spent for their own personal use, then its ok for me. Who knows our Datuk Panglima Zakar Panjang will bring in knowledge gained from the space journey...maybe a technology to get the zakar besar pulak? I(f not the technology, maybe just to inspire our younger generation to look further and think out of the box, instead of complaining and making the background noises that are a sore to even their parents' ears.
Why visit the Tugu Negara then? Its just another stone carved into faces of men.I'm pretty sure during those days, people make noise why it should be built? And...does the existence of tugu negara really matter? Do our people benefit from having them standing proudly in the heart of KL? But still, Malaysians visit them every now and then. Believe me dude, everything that happens happened for a greater purpose...
The best thing...why need the famous leaning tower of teluk anson? Just bring it does not serve any purpose......
I remember going to any shopping mall when I was a kid, the toys department can be very amusing, you'll try to grab as much as you can and bring it along to the counter, my father will take only one(if I was lucky) and put the rest back to where it belong. I'll cry, hoping that my father will change his mind... did he? Most of the time NO.
No doubt those LEGO'S will enhanced the genious side of a Kiddo, but would it be good to buy the LEGO knowing that it could lead to less or no food on the table at the end of the month?
We plan our future within our mean, or perhaps we can work harder to earn more(doubt it in the case of this country)... but to spend lavishly on something with massive degree of uncertainty - a wrong decision that can be too risky.
Start small, build up more rocket scientist before going to the moon, there are many other ways to create interest among the kids, education system can be a good one to start with...
about the tugu negara, the nice park by the foothill, that was it. And to have thousands of monuments in a single town can be wasteful coz it won't be 'special' if it is 'common'.
Hmmm...let me see:
1. The Big Ben
2. Buckingham Palace
3. The London Eye
4. The Tower Bridge
New York:
1. Lady Liberty
2. World Trade Centre (has been)
1. The Big Lion that pees from the mouth (world renown?)
2. Durian look alike convention centre
3. ??
1. Petronas Twin Tower
2. KL Tower
4. Tugu Negara (world renown??)
See where I'm getting at Shahrul? We're not bad compared to these cities. During Tun's time, billions of RM were spent just to put M'sia on the world map. Previously we had to explain to the people on the streets in NY that M'sia is sandwiched between S'pore and Thai. Now, with these 'common' monuments that you referred to, we don't have to. But I know that's not the point here. Your point is the RM34 million spent to send our astronout to space using the express bus..(well at least their express bus gets to space. Ours always get into the drain or ravine).
See here Shahrul, remember I said everything that happens happened for a reason, and for a greater cause? When Pak Lah took over the PM's chair, he did not just took over a position, but he had to continue the lagacy that Tun had left behind. And to 'compete' with a great countryman and a world class leader like Tun is a quite a heavy task for Pak Lah. You tell me what has he done after he took over that is visible to the world at large? I can't tell of any.
As election is coming near, he has to get into fast gear to at least show what he has done. So far, RMK9. In addition to that, he has to spend that amount of money to send that Dr to space. Why? Well If Tun can build the highest twin tower in the world, then Pak Lah can go even higher. I know la you say that money can be given to orphanages, for education, etc etc. But maybe Pak Lah has make his calculation, and I think he believes that RM34 m is needed to sustain his position as the PM. We might not agree with that, but maybe that's the price that he has to pay to still be the PM after the election. Unless you want DAP to rule...?
Believe me Shahrul, evrything that happens happened for a reason and for a greater cause. We might not know it now. Maybe our children will thank Pak Lah for sending that Dr to space. Who knows?
p/s - takkan nak percaya pada management pasaraya kat TTDI to manage KLCC kot? I'm sure later Malaysian will take over one day. and don't trust too much on that Ausie writer. That's what they do..condemn people. What we need to do as Malaysian is to defend ourselves. Not to agree with them.
Fren you are getting all wrong here. Me and Shahrul were discussing about the visible landmarks that we should have in order to be known world wide. The govt I'm sure must have known that KL are not the financial hub, not the centre of excellence and what not because simply, KL is not. Not yet rather. That is why Tun and Pak Lah have been going round the world to bring in FDI's, build Pet twin tower, send students to oversea so that they can promote Malaysia, send people to space so that people of the world will at least know us. Your Wikipedia findings are based on history. No doubt these cities are far better than KL historically. KL are trying to catch-up. But without its people support, KL just simply can't. KL, London, Spore and New York or even Mekah for that matter do not stand by itself. Its the people of these wonderful cities that makes them 'alive'. Sometimes, I just simply don't believe why our people, Malaysians, do not have faith in themselves, in Malaysia. Have to rely on foreigners sayings about us. Don't take their words blindly. If you kind of notice, which I doubt you didin't, the wikipedia findings didn't even mention about any landmarks in the cities, which by the way my fren is the centre of discussion, arguement, whatever you may call it here (apart from the RM34 million spent on the space mission).
I don't mean anything bad here, please don't get me wrong espacially, Shahrul. He can write, but the substance are just not quite there yet. I like to read his blog, especially on his father, children, leaning tower of teluk intan, tak nak kawin dua, etc. But some, I just don't quite agree. Why not give ideas rather than comments and condemn? Writing = 8 points. Substance = 3 points.
Dengan akhir kata wahai Teman Org Perak, lain kali nak masuk bagi salam dulu....
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