Equally fierce and confident, both of them are the leader of the century. Good or bad is not for me to decide, but they are the maestro in their own world. One kick out his second man of the office and another kick off an expensive boot to that pretty face-Bechkham. They are sarcastic to the worst, responding to questions with answers that can be annoying to some, entertaining to many.
Everyone hates them, coz their boys has been doing so well, one was the winner of historical treble and another continue to win the parliament. Their players are so good, Man United with their tremendous skill in the field and UnitedMNO with their ‘brilliant/cunning’ political stirring or they call it spin doctor these days.
They could only be one big different, Mahathir stop while he was enjoying the meal and in the meantime Ferguson is still enjoying the big feast. Which one better? At least Ferguson have not tested his own medicine like the old man did – said the newspaper that is. Free tutorial on ‘Finding the Right Successor’ can be useful to the Scottish gaffer.
Players from Ferguson’s team are mainly professionals who can easily donate their money to charity if not setting their own foundation. They are the cream of the cream, best in Europe and maybe the world, they don’t talk much about anything except football-their expertise. They don’t do corruption coz they can’t imagine the humiliation playing in the lower division (like Juventus). They play football coz they like to play football and they are so good that the whole world salute them. They are the real hero both glocal and global.
Now, let us go back to the other team. Professionals? Don’t think so, the way they act in the parliament especially. Are they the cream of the cream? Or are they in the limelight coz none of the genius cares? Corruptions? Well, I’ll let you decide on that one. Do you think they are the hero of this nation? Glocal and Global, neither nor I guess. Charity or robbery?
Whatever it is, you have the freedom to support any team you like and you’ve the rights to choose any leader you think appropriate, this is a free world and a free country; maybe it is not free anymore if you can’t see this blog in the future.