Chinta dan Lagu

Singing and acting with low tech equipment but what an entertaining result, supported by the beautiful scenery, virgin looking earth with no multimillion concrete landmarks.
The plot or storyline was pretty much related to the future, showing clearly that we haven’t change that much. Zulkifly was the hero winning the precious love of Noraini ahead of the nasty and arrogant son of Penghulu Malik. Malik exploit the powerful influence of his father to take control of the kampong while the father was away. Malik and co’s kidnapped Zulkifly on his wedding day and dump him on one of the island. Everyone knew Malik was the culprit but none wanted to act against the Penghulu’s son especially the old who refused to take action without blessing; “no evidence” said the oldies. There were young rebels but the numbers were just they to be ignored.Oon the other hand it was a typical Malay movie – happy ending.
Does that ring any bell? Isn’t that reflects the situation today? ‘Son of’ and friends are living above the law’s, doing what they want at any time they feel appropriate (only to them). Nobody would stop the perpetrators coz finding evidence is just an impossible theory. The oldies today would prefer to carry on safeguarding what they’ve accomplished, ignoring daylight robberies in the name of ‘blessing’.
Another observation of that movie was the simple fact about ‘tudung’. It is impossible to see anyone in that particular movie wearing tudung, even in the kampong scene, free hair and kebaya – fashion for all. When was the turning point for Malay girls? No doubt it’s for the better but perhaps the reason should be highlighted coz I’m tired seeing people who does not portrays the right behaviors behind the cover up. Stop making the tudung as a meaningless gesture.
Salute to Hail Amir anyway, the silat move was just awesome.