
9 October 2005, our family routines transform when my 72-year-old mother suffered the dangerous stroke attack. A month in the hospital, she was in great pain and till this day the right side of her body paralyzed. Food intakes thru tubes, passing urine thru CBD are parts of the complication.
Mak never complain about any of the tasks she performed as a super housewife, every morning she woke up early performing her solah… from then onward she work and work hard to make sure everyone in the house will be in high spirits, my dad with his demanding diet, we (the kids) with our own needs… how does she cope with all that? God knows…
Having born and live to see your dad and mom approaching their golden age, I try to prepare myself with the strength within hoping that I’ll be ready when it’s the undeniable time for them. But what happen to my mother on that day prove me wrong… U can never prepare yourself to see your loves one suffers. Sad, angry, disbelieve and many more feelings that can’t be describe roars in your brain and the only solution is to pray and pray for her.
Thanks to all family members, friends and relatives for the time and assistance. Mak is still weak but slowly recovering, she’s at my Nyah’s house in Klang with my dad on her side. Any of you can visit her whenever you have the time but the least we can do – pray for her.

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