The fantasy of Akademi Fantasia
Why Mawi? What is so good about him...winning almost a million on that anti climax and pretty much boring night for the non-believer of this Mawi cult- bigger than Ayah Pin. It's not his fault but perhaps the follower should be the one to blame i.e the fanatics bunch of people in channel 15(Astro).I wonder what's the total amount of money collected through the program and surely Astro is the absolute winner of this popularity contest.
Malaysian are so easy to be influenced by the media and rumors, some of the Mawi supporters didn't even watch him perform until the final concert!! Why don't they sms the Bersamamu number, at least some of the poor kids can have chicken for dinner I'm 100% supporting that statement by Najib� stop the nonsense� no more fantasy to the kids�tell them the reality of life�

Malaysian are so easy to be influenced by the media and rumors, some of the Mawi supporters didn't even watch him perform until the final concert!! Why don't they sms the Bersamamu number, at least some of the poor kids can have chicken for dinner I'm 100% supporting that statement by Najib� stop the nonsense� no more fantasy to the kids�tell them the reality of life�

Sebenarnya malas nak komen banyak. Mawi menang sebab ramai yang terlalu fanatik dengan bangsa dan agama. Nothing spesel le, orang kata. Semua lagu dinasyidkan tapi budak ni ada good attitude le. Lirik lupa, melodi lari, etc. And menari totally out. Tak kisah le dia menang tapi kesian bebudak yang lain, yang betul-betul ada bakat. Anyway, ni popularity show and nampak sangat Astro punya manipulation yang besar dalam AF3, sampai bebudak tu jadi mangsa. Aku minat juge tengok AF tapi tak le sampai nak membazir duit sms. Baik le sedekah kat anak-anak yatim ke, orang miskin ke. Ada juge rakyat Malaysia yang makan siput babi. Baik le bagi duit kat mereka. Lagi banyak faedahnya. And aku bukan Jawa
Me agree with shahrul, why Mawi? Is it because he is Johorean, or he has a little bit of Islamic background (that MAYBE he utilise to retain his popularity) or any other form factor. There will be pro & con. Me is in the side of con. Why? Any reason that will use to uphold the fact that Mawi is the AF3 champion is not a major concern. The major issue is what happen to the malay society. We have been put in very illusive situation where we forget the dilema we have, we train (indirectly) our family (or kid) to love a thing that can be considered as 'an activity of freetime', wasting time, money to a thing that not guaranty any bright future of us. The AF3 program is not helping malay society to become very formidable race in malaysia, but only give more problems. Our youth spend a lot of time in front of TV set while other races discussing their business, work, idea and make networking.Malay society is not a risk taker as chinese. Depend on government and politic. Thus not independable. With AF3, it does not contributed to Malay paradigma but making a generation that later follow Philipine nation where voting a person base on popularity not to merit he has..... (remember joseph estrada)... We don't want to be a nation like that.
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