JAKIM and Outer Space

I was back from tarawih a bit late yesterday, paying zakat before it is too late and looking at the receipts collected I reckoned it will be some Raya celebration for the collector (amir).
Browsing through the channels I stopped at 101(wonder why astro change it to 3 digits instead of simple two). Countdown to ISS exploration, talk show with tremendous set-up crowded with large photos of outer space all over the studio. Sitting on the guess chair was somebody from JAKIM who was invited to talk about the pocket size book “Guidelines on performing Islam while living on the outer space”. In producing that they organized seminar and invited one astronaut from Spain obviously exposing the lavish irresponsible spending. After days of brainstorming they came up with the guideline.
Call me liberal but I did laughed so very hard all the way, it was a long way watching and listening to such jokes. One of the funniest interviews, funny it was to those who’s wise enough to think.
Please tell me, how many of you would be going to outer space in your lifetime? In the era where Muslims being associated with terrorism and fanatics, Lina Joy is fighting hard to get out from the holy religion, Mat Rempit producing homemade porn videos one after another, the poorest begging week in week out in ‘Bersamamu’, and many more; they (JAKIM) dare to spend handsomely on seminars discussing the tiny bit instead of the real issues. No wonder they lost counted the number of piggy in Malacca.
That is only the tip of the iceberg, days to come will be even worse, maybe there will guidelines on ‘the Muslims way of welcoming an astronaut with details on what to wear complete with hand clapping procedures’.
The ticket priced at 26 million USD but the total amount spent on leaflet, seminars, diners, datins, datoks, homecoming cakes, homecoming celebrations, buttons, cards, cameramen, pembaca doa and sundry can easily be triple if not more of that 26 million USD. Ask Dr Syeikh, what that amount money can do to the hospital he used to work in about a year ago.
‘Bior Pape Asay Begaye’, ask any Perakian if you can’t figure that out. Rent a Mercedes with all your savings and show it off to your neighbors in Kampung Ulu Temiang before making a trip to KL, they(the neighbors) would pretend like they are impress but deep inside they are laughing at your stupidity. Let us celebrates our achievement, we have our own space flight participant… oppss… astronaut.
Browsing through the channels I stopped at 101(wonder why astro change it to 3 digits instead of simple two). Countdown to ISS exploration, talk show with tremendous set-up crowded with large photos of outer space all over the studio. Sitting on the guess chair was somebody from JAKIM who was invited to talk about the pocket size book “Guidelines on performing Islam while living on the outer space”. In producing that they organized seminar and invited one astronaut from Spain obviously exposing the lavish irresponsible spending. After days of brainstorming they came up with the guideline.
Call me liberal but I did laughed so very hard all the way, it was a long way watching and listening to such jokes. One of the funniest interviews, funny it was to those who’s wise enough to think.
Please tell me, how many of you would be going to outer space in your lifetime? In the era where Muslims being associated with terrorism and fanatics, Lina Joy is fighting hard to get out from the holy religion, Mat Rempit producing homemade porn videos one after another, the poorest begging week in week out in ‘Bersamamu’, and many more; they (JAKIM) dare to spend handsomely on seminars discussing the tiny bit instead of the real issues. No wonder they lost counted the number of piggy in Malacca.
That is only the tip of the iceberg, days to come will be even worse, maybe there will guidelines on ‘the Muslims way of welcoming an astronaut with details on what to wear complete with hand clapping procedures’.
The ticket priced at 26 million USD but the total amount spent on leaflet, seminars, diners, datins, datoks, homecoming cakes, homecoming celebrations, buttons, cards, cameramen, pembaca doa and sundry can easily be triple if not more of that 26 million USD. Ask Dr Syeikh, what that amount money can do to the hospital he used to work in about a year ago.
‘Bior Pape Asay Begaye’, ask any Perakian if you can’t figure that out. Rent a Mercedes with all your savings and show it off to your neighbors in Kampung Ulu Temiang before making a trip to KL, they(the neighbors) would pretend like they are impress but deep inside they are laughing at your stupidity. Let us celebrates our achievement, we have our own space flight participant… oppss… astronaut.

I agree with u, USD 26 million is too big for one person but i believe they has given more than than USD 26 million to hospitals and its every year budget to maintain, not for this space project, only once, after 50 years independence, maybe it's not enough to subsidize all patients in hospitals...
It is not the politicians money, no doubt large amount was given to the hospitals but would that justify the act of spending lavishly without valid reason, 50 years of independence? So what? Is there any clause in the agreement with the colonial on space exploration?
I watched the launching yesterday and noticed how clueless were Malaysians especially the leaders on space explorations technology, an astronaut from the states was needed to explain the situation i.e the grassroot understanding and technology is too far lagging and therefore the exploration is just a visit purely on financial capacity rather than technical know how. Once again what's the point?
Enough is enough, the idea of buying Malaysian's flag dignity can be too risky, there will be time when your 'cucu & cicit' pop up some questions on your battle during the lifetime - reserving some of the wealth for them, a failure maybe? The pot is running dry and enjoy no more when nothing is left.
Malaysia is naturally a very wealthy country..with its resources, raw materials, black gold that even if it is being run by morons, i bet it will still prosper..but we have double morons tht simply clueless on prioritising...i'd say improve the state of health and education services, then u can talk cock about sending a space participants (where every people who has the dosh can do it) and do a big hu-ha-ha about it like we owned the tech and should be proud of it..
sadly, all this mismanagement of public fund and abuse of power happens during Mr Clean reign..how ironic..apa nak buat...the BIG SHARKS can get away with ANYTHING..kita the IKAN BILIS just pray they die a horrible death... (at least tht what i've been praying for)
I heard they don't pay directly for this first angkasawan, they got it as an addition of buying Fighter planes coz more than US900 million..
Where do you get that USD 26 million?
that is how much the Iranian lady and few other participants paid on that ticket to fly...
Hello guys, wanna free ticket huh. Me can easily get it lorr.. email or call me anytime..
To me.. it's like sending people to go for training, sending people for seminar, sending people for conference and many other events, especially when researchers applying for a science fund, did Malaysia really get benefit from it? Think about it...
Oh come on guys, we should look on the bright side. Let's setup a Jet Propulsion Laboratory just like NASA did. We can hire qualified 'jambu male' researchers and engineers to learn rocketry from the russians. I'm sure with their 'jambu-ness', the russians has no hesitation giving us their aging 40 years old Soyuz technology. In fact they might be surprised with our highly pontential home grown ‘rempit technology’. In 10 years time we probably came up with ‘Siol’ (M’sian version of Soyuz, heavily modified of course) with better thrust, it used only palm oil fuel instead of kerosene in all three of its stages and it had somewhat significantly more powerful than the American’s Saturn V moon rocket. Thanks to the ‘rempit technology’, this has signifies our goal to reach Mars by 2020. Certainly things will get better since we have no shortage in manpower to do the tedious and somewhat dangerous tasks on the launch site with the abundance of indons and banglas, our local ‘jambu’ researchers and engineers will be safe guarded from any castastrophies in the isolated control rooms. Not forgetting our newly awarded ‘Datukship’ ‘jambu’ astronauts has been heavily insured and showered by Gomen if he’s incinerated during the take off. It’s worth taking risk !
/End Sarcasm
what is gone is gone... sometimes we have to sacrifice to fulfill other people's dream. btw, nice to have new blog buddy.
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