Actors and actresses leading the line of army

Now, look at the bottom half of that front page, you'll see another photo of a leader, only this time he is a former leader who's no longer in power. The face of this particular leader is not the usual face we've seen before; it is a face of a man in pain, the pain that he never tasted before, not while he was in power.
Next, let us look at the timing of those incidents, same day, and almost at the same time, one in the middle of the city and another one at a place that was long forgotten by the ruling party. A state that’s brave enough, paying large price for a change that never better. Serambi Mekah claimed by the Kelantanese. Could it be coincidence?
Turn to page 22, you’ll see another piece of propaganda, a letter by the same magnificent man you saw on that front page. It’s an open letter from him to Condoleeza Rice, doubt the lady would read it, too insignificant to the superpower. It is about Israel and bravo once again to the hero of the day fighting the battle of david and goliath,two points for him.
Those who have super-powerful camera and those who think they are the natural born photographer (like me and Bidin) would agree on simple fact. The first photo is well prepared shot, turning the lenses to perfect distance ratio, taking clear photo with one objective, none other then to show the photo of that man in the middle. Clear enough to even show the sweat and tears, leaving other genuine protestors looks invisible.
For that second photo, you know that it was a lucky shot, a shot that was chosen from hundreds, with clear contrary objective from the previous event. To make the object look bad, as bad as you can.
Friends and family, enjoy the drama. A series of act from the experts, better then Tom Cruise in MI3. Live from the theater of Bolehland. With big help from the media, the so calls free media.
Is that news? Is that Media? Is that truth?
It’s just a Drama, no difference from ‘PJ Holding’, perhaps in this political drama; the actors are really rich and famous. Are they sincere? God knows.
I’ll send this article to NST, maybe they don’t like the style and the language, but please tell me if is not true and please put it up somewhere in that insignificant column. If they don’t, it is a sad day for me, a day of which my existence is no longer guarantee.

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