Membebel Aje!!

On Saturday they’ll be a final concert from the booted AF students! Does that news sound relevant to you? The power of media exceeded the voice of majority and most of the time making entire population does stupid things. I guess that is why EPF decided to buy some stakes in Media Prima. It’s your money and my money as well, more lies to be told? Or more ‘Infotainment’ for the youngsters? or even more SMS trivia? Shutting our ears from the truth and real news.
Hezbollah and Hamas have elected representatives in both Palestin and Lubnan parliaments, but yet the evil Americans labeled them terrorist. Forgetting the fact that bulk of their work is humanitarian. With words of magic and the ugly world of media, we forget about them, more and more money spend on the infotainment rather than the real news.
We don’t talk to Hamas. Nor do we talk to Hezbollah, but yet we claimed that we’re the champion of Muslim world. If the leader of this country has taken the position in which our voice can be heard, things could be different, we could guide the rich Arabs on the battlefield. Material – far more important for us, collecting wealth via lies and corruption is just the easy way out.
Enough about politics, it is frustrating when you can't do anything to change a country, let alone the world. But one thing I can do is to keep on throwing complains after complaints,
I was watching CSI last week, giving endeavored attention to details, predicting the real killer. Suddenly the screen was blue, and the message was clear, no weather girl needed, the rain is coming. By the time CSI was back, Grissom was smiling, and the killer was on his way to prison.
Why don’t we put a stop to this, can we?
Astro, never late in suspending your subscription. Always remember re-connection would cost you RM10 if not more. But how much are we charging them when they fail. Yeah, yeah… they said they cannot do anything about that, its mother earth. But then do you think they’ll give you discount if you’re out of job due to earthquake? I doubt it.
I pay 84.95 every month, assuming 1 month consist of 30 days, 1 minute cost me RM 0.00196 , and let say I’m loosing 60 minutes every month, meaning every month, I’m loosing RM 0.118. It has been 5 years since I signed the subscription contract, the losses due to rain sums up to RM 7.079.
I know it is not that much to you guys, but imagine the situation if every single subscriber claiming the same amount. At 2 million subscribers, the total amount is over 14 million. Enough for us to build a school for children’s in Africa or Acheh!!

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