Happy New Year
Time was flying at Mach 1 (mach 1 = 340.29 m / s) last year, one minute I was sleeping and the next minute I was back to bed, basically there was no great achievement last year. Work as usual from 8 to 5 without any profitable outcome, lucky that my family members are there when I needed them the most.
Let me share you this email from my friend Saz who’s undergoing her PHD course down under,
I'm in antartica right now...tell me if u need any pixs from
here...will be sending u some anyway...i'm on yahoo IM at
nice photo from the artic..
Good for her, her daily job is by far more exciting than the things I do in the office everyday… Antartica? Not in a million years for me bro…
My drastic solution to last year problems will be none then the obvious - other New Year resolutions. Achievable or not I don’t care, at least I’m trying. I've been a wage serf all my life and next year won’t be any different. Materialism is not a formula for happiness. Human life is short. We are born with nothing, and we die with nothing… soothing.
My Goal for 2006
1. Adopt healthy lifestyle by following the diet I printed out from internet two years ago and continue playing soccer everyday when it’s not raining.
2. Spend more time reading quran everyday (or should I say start reading the quran.)
3. Less cigarette…cut down to pack of 10’s a day
4. Come to work early everyday, or on time at least.
5. Start saving money for my family holiday, so that I can stop ‘berangan’ while watching the travel channel.
6. Not to miss any episode of CSI, Lost, MI and House.
7. Spend more time at the swimming pool or the park with Danial and Deena.
8. Pay back Jaja’s money
9. Finish all the projects at home such as the garden and aquarium.
10. Continue giving all I can to make my Supermak and Superbapak happy.
Those are things that I can think off for the moment, other than that will be one big bonus.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
‘Mahatma Gandhi’
I miss Teluk Intan...
Next week Hari Raya Qurban, no plan yet…maybe a journey back to Juaseh. To all my muslim friends ‘Selamat Aidiladha’.
Let me share you this email from my friend Saz who’s undergoing her PHD course down under,
I'm in antartica right now...tell me if u need any pixs from
here...will be sending u some anyway...i'm on yahoo IM at

Good for her, her daily job is by far more exciting than the things I do in the office everyday… Antartica? Not in a million years for me bro…
My drastic solution to last year problems will be none then the obvious - other New Year resolutions. Achievable or not I don’t care, at least I’m trying. I've been a wage serf all my life and next year won’t be any different. Materialism is not a formula for happiness. Human life is short. We are born with nothing, and we die with nothing… soothing.
My Goal for 2006
1. Adopt healthy lifestyle by following the diet I printed out from internet two years ago and continue playing soccer everyday when it’s not raining.
2. Spend more time reading quran everyday (or should I say start reading the quran.)
3. Less cigarette…cut down to pack of 10’s a day
4. Come to work early everyday, or on time at least.
5. Start saving money for my family holiday, so that I can stop ‘berangan’ while watching the travel channel.
6. Not to miss any episode of CSI, Lost, MI and House.
7. Spend more time at the swimming pool or the park with Danial and Deena.
8. Pay back Jaja’s money
9. Finish all the projects at home such as the garden and aquarium.
10. Continue giving all I can to make my Supermak and Superbapak happy.
Those are things that I can think off for the moment, other than that will be one big bonus.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
‘Mahatma Gandhi’

Next week Hari Raya Qurban, no plan yet…maybe a journey back to Juaseh. To all my muslim friends ‘Selamat Aidiladha’.

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