The Prince and the 'prince'
Machiavelli once wrote about the prince. In a nutshell, a prince must either be feared or loved to stay in power, neither of those, the Prince is just another proletariat in a state, similar to you and me.
Five years ago we were granted with a new king, and how happy were we to have the new king replacing the old throne that ruled for more than 20 years, which according to several, the former was cruelled and feared by the populace.
We failed to notice from the beginning that the new king brought with him a ‘prince’ who his favorite’s book is ‘the Prince’ by Machiavelli. K with the big J was not a real prince but a ‘prince’ by marriage but acted strangely like he was the real prince who soon will be the King.
For five years the ‘prince’ lived in the forbidden city of ‘Kingdom of Heaven’, never loved but at all times feared by the populace. With fear came hatred and with hatred came the courage, the courage to overthrow the king, the only way to eliminate the arrogant ‘prince’.
March 2008, the populace march to the Forbidden City and sent a message to the King, ‘we hate you mainly because of your son in law, behold, the wave is coming and the scene is going to be ugly’.
A year later the King Lah succumbs to the pressure and handed the power to a former prince who was the son of a king that once ruled the Kingdom of Heaven as cereal as the King Lah himself.
Yesterday, the new King announced the new occupant of the Forbidden City, one of them was the former prince, Prince M&M, the son of the famous King MM. As for the ‘prince’, he’ll only be shouting from outside the Forbidden City.
Amazingly, I have a thing in common with Prince M&M; we came from the same schooling system, the MRSM courtesy of the late King Razak, father of the present King. The system taught us so much about principalities and perhaps we opt for different path.
These are few quotes for different people,
To the new Prince M&M,
"...a wise prince should establish himself on that which is his own control and not in that of others; he must endeavor to avoid hatred, as is noted." – Machiavelli
To the ‘prince’
“…If people don’t like you, don’t force” – Pak Usop (my dad)
To Shahrul Azmi
“… For whatever it is, get your work done” – My Boss

The history repeat itself again..
Once there used to be king which the throne is passed to the son.
The king to be the guardian to the people like the father be the guardian to the children, for thy king to live as long as thy father live.
The luck depends on the son which throne was passed through, for it may be good or worst shall it be..? One can never replace thy father for God has chosen only one person to be thy father, not two or three, neither it can be other person.
The society changed the rule, create a new position for they want to be able to change the game - for thy father to be only guardian where anybody can become one. But they forgot, the guardian's main aim is only power and money - an evil factor that drive all the children. Once up there - never want to come down for they want their legacy to replace them if possible. Thy guardian now is the son of the previous guardian and few from within the q are also from the previous - ..the history repeat itself again...
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