Coming Soon

Average ‘Mat’ is resemblance to an average Joe in the states, a nobody in this country where cars accident is the epic centre of attraction to both, the good Samaritans and the 4D lottery addicts.
So many books portray the uniqueness of this country, Malaysia of its colorful race and diversified religions, too often by authors from the top of the success pyramid, never from ordinary Malaysian. This is a view from an average ‘Mat’ struggling day in day out to keep up in this race, ‘KIASU of them all’.
From squatters in Kerinchi to the hills of rich and famous in Damansara, Malaysians render a story of their own. None of the stories matter so much to the people in power, however it is a journey to cherish for the average 'Mat'.
Mid Valley, One Utama and all major shopping malls are running out of weekends and car parks. Try getting close to nature on that particular moment; trust me you will feel like an alien to the flocking ‘Mat Saleh’. Look anywhere else, you’ll find little Jakarta or Bangladesh. The tiny little column ‘places to visit’ on daily newspapers is always left unseen, Malaysian need to be told, “There are other things to do apart from window shopping”.
Well, this average early 30’s Malay guy is taking the risk of his life (one of many stupid decisions he has taken) by writing a book in the midst of global financial meltdown, let alone competing with hundreds of publications with genre of none other than ‘How to get rich’, the Holy Book to hungry materialistic Homo sapiens of Klang ‘pretentious’ Valley. F**k that! He needs to open this Pandora’s Box.
Equipped with pen, papers and the ever reliable national car-Iswara, this is a valedictory tour on the many highways of Klang Valley courtesy of Mr. Samy. No 1001 steps to be rich, just a scribble of life we often see but hardly notice.
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